Mercury Retro Chiron Direct

chironDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

I want to go to Mercury going retrograde and Chiron going direct because that happens during this week that we have here, before my next Thursday update.

The Mercury retrograde will be quite powerful. I think you want to really double and triple check for the holidays and everything that has already been put into place. Typos, errors, misunderstandings, electronic failures. Maybe back things up in pen and pencil, literally on paper, or at least two or three different devices that aren’t related to each other.

So it’s going to be interesting. Then lighten up with that. You know if something is not going exactly as it was planned, just say, oh giggle, push it aside, make a joke about it and keep going. Go with plan B, plan C, plan D.

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Oracle Report Thursday, October 12, 2017

Forest In Esbjerg, Denmark – Photo By Chalotte

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer:  revise, realign

Sun: 20 Libra – “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties”

True Alignments:  tradition, dedication, survival themes, laws, long-held beliefs, positive ritual

Catalysts for Change:  persecution, religious tensions, dogmatic, inflexible, one sided, negative ritual

Earth: 20 Aries – “a young girl feeding birds in winter”

True Alignments:  helping others, genuine effort bringing reward, attitude adjustment, nurturing self and others, energizing the base or foundation of something, trust

Catalysts for Change:  seeking approval, dependence/codependence, neglect, resisting the call to duty, attempting to rally violence

Laura Walker – On one branch of the tree (one view of consciousness) today, we are wise owls sitting on the eve of Friday, the 13th of October, the day of the Knights Templar massacre and favored degree of the Illuminati for nefariousness, while the Sun discharges the astrological degree of ritual, “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.”  This is quite a set up.  Continue reading

Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji – Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology, entitled, “Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations” (link), reveals that our now ubiquitous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation may be amplifying the toxicity of dental amalgams and other forms of mercury exposure in the human body.

In what appears to be the first study of its kind, Brazilian researchers looked specifically at the potential for Wi-Fi signals to increase the release of mercury from dental amalgams, which are composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury. Continue reading

Our True Face

mercurySarah Varcas – Conjunct Pluto as it stations retrograde in Capricorn, this is an incisive Mercury with little patience for subjectivity, or sensitivity for that matter! We may be disappointed if we want life to go gently with our feelings as the year closes, for there are more potent agendas at work, in service of truth-telling and revelation no matter the cost. This Mercury wants to squeeze the last drops of wisdom out of 2016 before the new year begins, and won’t let anything be swept beneath the carpet for a more convenient time. In the spirit of effective closure and resolution of unfinished business, this is an important time to clear the air and face up to whatever in our life has become undeniable.

It has been an explosive year, what with the Uranus/Eris conjunction  and the Saturn/Neptune square.  The personal and collective shadow is being purged. Brought to light for all to see, it has at times triggered panic and despair alongside strengthened commitment to forge new paths and a deepening of faith in our ability to both endure and transform. We are immersed in this process now, and will be for quite some time.

We are nowhere near out of the woods. Far from it. And this melting pot of sometimes traumatic change cannot be escaped. Renewal of our commitment to a radical realignment with a more vibrant, courageous and heart-centred existence will become increasingly vital in the months ahead. Meanwhile, Mercury insists that we face up to the truths of our lives, the secrets we guard and the shame we feel but deny. It deplores artifice and rejects pretence. This Mercury seeks only the straight-up truth which it insists we honour with every breath.

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Mercury Communications in Capricorn

communicationDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well, we have a couple of very good things coming up here that open opportunities as we get through this time period: Chiron going direct probably most important for world servers and healers. It does so in Psychic Pisces. Then more notably I think, on a global scale, will be Mercury moving into Capricorn and affecting communication, communication styles.

I see two things kind of double-edged swords there: things getting more combative but also more things getting communicated swiftly. So probably going to see more crude communication coming forth just from that concept.

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