Documentary Exposes ‘Smart’ Meters, Technocracy and What You Can Do [Video]

meterJosh del Sol Beaulieu and Alison Main – As of today, the award-winning 2017 edition of “Take Back Your Power”, is now released permanently free on YouTube. This compelling documentary exposes a critical problem that affects everyone: ‘smart’ utility meters which facilitate in-home spying, increase utility bills, present a risk of homes fires and hacking, emit wireless pulses and dirty electricity, and are shown to cause health problems.

At a time when divisive political battles rage on, some things closer to home perhaps deserve more attention. The concept of looking higher than the mainstream narrative is something that GreenMedInfo readers are well accustomed to, so I will dive right in.

One such close-to-home focus is that of ‘smart’ utility meters, a highly-invasive technology that is positioned to be integrated with big telecom’s 5G plans. The innocuous-sounding ‘smart’ meter has been shown to facilitate in-home surveillance, health risks, unjust billing increases, thousands of house fires, and hacking vulnerability.

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