The Far Left Hurricane

trumpBen Garrison – Storm clouds continue to gather on many fronts. There’s a nut job in North Korea with advanced nuclear weapons as well as the ballistic missiles to carry them. His continued saber rattling includes blowing up Guam and an EMP strike on America. The lefties criticize President Trump for speaking out against such bellicosity. Other presidents previously tried to buy off North Korea.

The Clinton administration sent former president Jimmy Carter to cut a deal with the hermit state. We ended up giving them $5 billion in aid as well as two nuclear reactors. In return, North Korea agreed to stop pursuing nuclear weapons. We know how well that worked out. Recently the well-aged but still unctuously sanctimonious Carter criticized Trump for not pursuing peace.

Obama kicked the North Korean can down the road, but he maliciously aided Iran by giving them billions of dollars to further their nuclear weapons development. Iran wants to blow up Israel and the muslim Obama apparently likes that idea. The former president also helped muslim terrorists. It’s a familiar lefty pattern. Reward those who hate America and our allies. Continue reading

Michael Moore Visits WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange [Video]

Bill Still Michael Moore went to London to visit with Julian Assange. After he came out, he turned a camera on himself and gave us a little first-person report on his visit.

Although the lack of detail makes you want to scream for more, what we do get is a lot more than we knew before we saw this.

SF Source Bill Still Oct. 2016

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Erik Garcés ~ Abandonment

The Jeenyus Corner | September 23 2012

We’re witnessing something rare in the American political discourse. With the understanding that money power controls both sides of the false Left/Right spectrum, it hasn’t made any real difference who sits at the head of the table in decades.

Oh sure there are stark differences in the two parties and each president has made changes to his own liking. However, as we’re all kept distracted with arguments over issues that the elite don’t care about and ultimately have never affected the course of our nation, the very real topics we should be discussing have been ignored. So much so that in some cases, discussing the facts of these subjects, actual facts, has you painted as a “conspiracy theorist”.

My analysis is that there is either a schism among the elites themselves or money power has expressed it’s collective will – that Barack Obama must go. My money is on the latter. Why would I say this? Please know that I am NOT, and let me repeat because the trolls will ignore it anyway to make their foolish political points, I am not advocating or opposing any candidate.

I am basing my opinion here on three separate indicators. We know the mind control media is operated completely at the behest of money power. A mere five corporations control nearly all radio, TV, print and most internet service providers.

Using the core principle that all government is by consent of the governed, its easy to arrive at the conclusion that anything you see, read or hear in the mind control media about generating that consent. Therefore, nothing happens in a bubble.

In no particular order:

1. The massive popularity and financial success of Dinesh D’Souza’s political documentary film “2016: Obama’s America” could not have happened without the tacit approval of money power. Hollywood is completely dominated by the pro Obama crowd and despite their opposition and the deliberate obstacles involved in distribution, this film is now the number two grossing documentary of all time behind Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 9/11”.

2. The August 27th edition of Newsweek, as establishment media as it gets, showcases on their front page the President in a departing pose with the caption: “Hit the road Barack. Why we need a new President.” There is no possible way this could ever be allowed if money power was pushing for this man’s reelection. One could presume limited hangout perhaps, an operation designed to deal with unflattering news or information by a minimal acknowledgment. However with the polls this close, I doubt it.

3. The incredible rise in the price of gasoline. Its well known in alternative media and contrarian economics that money power rigs the market place for commodities. Using computerized trading, futures can be sold or bought millions of times a second.

This is seen by the elite as necessary since the US dollar, a fiat currency, is essentially backed by the deal Henry Kissenger made with the Saudi’s. We protect them, they only sell oil in dollars, exclusive of any other currency. This, among several methods, maintains the value of the paper dollar precisely where money power wants it any any time.

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