The Archon Hologram

The Archon Hologram

AugurEye – The other day a friend and I were discussing chemtrails, as a sub-reference to everything else that’s going on these days; speculating as to their intended purpose. The conversation took a most interesting turn when my friend mentioned a current theory postulating that chemtrails are Holographic Inserts, and not actual physical manifestations of aerosol spraying.

My initial gut instinct was to question this idea’s validity based upon both my own observations, and the fact that I have taken samples of chemtrail residue, and could see that it had physical properties. However, my mind was quick to point out that said residue was not observed by me exiting the plane…just that it showed up in my yard on a heavy spray day! Continue reading

Quantum Physics Tells Us Separation Is Only An Illusion

“A popular metaphor for the universe in this new view is a hologram that projects what we experience as matter, light energy, etc.  An important property of holograms is that information contained throughout is contained within any unit. For instance, if you cut a piece of holographic film with a picture of an apple in half, both halves of the film will still project the whole apple.” ~Laura Jane

QuantumEntanglement“Those trees are your lungs. The earth recycles as your body. The rivers recycle as your circulation. The air is your breath. So what do we call the environment?” — Deepak Chopra: Physical Healing, Emotional Well Being

A new paradigm is emerging out of the rubble of the reductionist model. This new paradigm dissolves the illusion of separateness between anything and anyone.

Discovering More About Our Universe

As we research smaller and smaller units of matter, it has became clear to some that there is perhaps no final unit waiting to be discovered but a fundamental unity to everything. Physicist David Bohm, whose work is described in Michael Talbot’s the Holographic Universe, calls the fundamental unity at the end of all matter the implicate order. David Wilcock makes reference to the Source Field.

A popular metaphor for the universe in this new view is a hologram that projects what we experience as matter, light energy, etc.  An important property of holograms is that information contained throughout is contained within any unit. For instance, if you cut a piece of holographic film with a picture of an apple in half, both halves of the film will still project the whole apple! (This is only true of real holograms produced by shining a laser through holographic film, not of the hologram type pictures and stickers like those found on credit cards). Continue reading