Alternative Media Blows The Lid On Big Pharma’s Massive Bribery Network

Natural News | July 18 2012

Natural News ~ Two of the most influential alternative media organizations on the ‘net — and — have blown the lid wide open on Big Pharma’s massive bribery network. Through exclusive interviews with pharma insiders, InfoWars and NaturalNews have done what the mainstream media refuses to do: grant a platform to credible whistleblowers who are exposing the systematic, criminal Big Pharma bribing of doctors who willingly accept kickbacks to write prescriptions for high-profit pharmaceuticals.

These revelations are surfacing on the heels of the drug industry’s largest settlement in history: GlaxoSmithKline’s $3 billion fine and guilty plea to committing felony crimes (…). NaturalNews editor Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) was able to connect with one of the key whistleblowers who initiated that nine-year DOJ investigation, and he went on the record with shocking allegations about off-label pharmaceutical marketing and the systematic bribery of doctors (

The video interview with Blair Hamrick is available at:

Blair was also interviewed by Adams on the Alex Jones Show (, where he revealed additional information about Glaxo’s activities such as the “coaching” of pharmaceutical sales reps to enroll doctors in elaborate kickback schemes. The video of that interview is available below.

Caller blows the whistle on the physician bribery underground

Following Blair’s interview on the Alex Jones Show, a woman who identified herself as “Ally” called in to the show and described, in authentic language and tone, how she had worked inside a company that managed the “kickback” relationships between drug companies and doctors. On live national radio, she proceeded to describe details about how doctors would earn up to $6,000 a day as part of Big Pharma’s speakers bureaus. In her own words, below, she explains how doctors and physicians lined up to cash in on the bribery payoffs, happy to sell their souls to Big Pharma while pimping out drugs that were often shown to be dangerous — even deadly — to the consuming public.

Hear her call-in conversation with the Health Ranger at:

“Ally” blows the whistle on the routine Big Pharma bribery of doctors

What follows is a slightly condensed transcript of her call-in to the Alex Jones Show on July 17, 2012, speaking with Mike Adams, who was guest hosting for Alex. Bold emphasis added:

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