The Secrets To Walking A Spiritual Path

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” – Mike Pearson

EnergyJafree Ozwald – The spiritual being that you already are is already awakened, already conscious, already empowered, and already eternally free. You are an infinite being, who will live forever.

You are connected to the greatest source of divine love you can imagine! You don’t need any method, teaching or person outside of you to access this. All that is needed is a deep relaxation into the source of what you already are. You are the authority of your life and you decide when, where, and how you will find, feel and experience the Divine. Continue reading

How to Transcend Feeling Lost in your Life

Jafree Ozwald | May 13 2012

“Care about each and every thing; Don’t make a distinction between the great and the small. Cleaning the floor, do it with deep care, as if it is the body of the beloved. Each indifferent act becomes a slow suicide, a slow death. Be overflowing, don’t be a miser.” ~Osho

Life is so short. Only 70-80 years for most of us and this life is gone. Have you ever wondered, “what’s the point of it all?” At some point in this infinite journey around the Sun, each and every one of us will experience a deep sensation of being completely lost. Yes, this is inevitable. We must all go through the experience of not having a clue which is the best direction for us to be going. Whether it be your job, relationship, health, family or spiritual path, you are guaranteed to experience a time before you die where you will not have any confidence or certainty in where you’re going or what you’re doing.

When this occurs for you remember my invitation, it is quite simple. When the sensations of confusion and trepidation flood the brain and make you believe everything is not as it should be, do not resist them. Simply treat each one as a doorway to the Divine. Give yourself permission to greet the “lost experience” intimately, as if God was standing on your front porch in the middle of Summer waiting for you with a tall glass of lemonade. Meet the experience fully and drink it in deeply. Bend over and kiss the ground it walks on and do not try to change it in any way.

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How to Start Attracting Financial Abundance

Jafree Ozwald  | Enlightened Beings | March 31 2012

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” ~Mike Pearson

There are many people in the world who don’t realize that the Universe is a magical, intelligent and abundant playground. They are blinded by limiting thoughts and feelings around money. These beliefs distract them from being open, loving and appreciative for what they do have and tapping into the abundant Universe that is available. It is this addiction to desire, to constantly wanting this or that and not getting the ego’s needs met, which eventually creates the lacking stuck feeling on the inside which later manifests into their bank account in the outer world.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are creating your financial situation everyday. We are either in the habit of proclaiming to the Universe that we are lacking and there is just not enough, OR we are being thankful and appreciative for everything that we do have. Once you see that your thoughts are creating each and every moment of reality, any previous cycle of financial stuckness can dissolve instantly from your life.

What you think about is what you get. If you visualize the end of the month is going to be tough and feel a ‘squeeze’ happening there, you are manifesting a future financial crunch, and may suddenly feel more stressed, hurried and serious about life. If you were only looking into your future feeling a sense of abundance with a deep calm serene energy, you’d manifest a very abundant joyful life. We always manifest situations which mirror the consciousness of where we are at. Whatever the mind dwells upon, is what we manifest.

Everything changes when you see that right now you have the opportunity to change your financial future. You can step outside of your financial box, and explore what it’s like that life is easy for you. Stop affirming to the Universe (through complaining) that there’s never enough of this or that. Focus instead on gratitude, and you’ll start seeing opportunities around every corner, knowing this life is a gift everywhere you go.

All suffering comes from a deep demanding and grasping habit that states, “life should be something other than what it is.” When you relinquish the addiction to this type of thinking you’ll discover deeper feelings of joy, peace and abundance inside. Through the mindful practice of sitting back from your thoughts, observing the minds habit, inner peace will find you. You may or may not get all of your ego’s needs, wants and desires met in life, yet one day you might discover something much better…the secret to totally transcend the habit of suffering.

“The secret of happiness lies in the mind’s release from worldly ties.” ~Buddha

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