Dana Mrkich ~ Ferguson And All It Is Revealing

Awareness can lead to despair but ultimately it awakens us out of apathy and into action. . . . each and every one of us can make a positive, powerful difference no matter how powerless we are made to feel. Now is the time to remember our power, and use it in a good way.” D Mrkich

danaMrkichMy thoughts tonight are with the people of Ferguson. As disturbing as it has been to see the speed with which the police transformed from the role of protectors to militarized aggressors, dressed and armed ready for war, as sad as it has been to realize how deep racism and discrimination still is, it is simultaneously crucial that these things are being revealed to the rest of the country, and world, albeit under tragic circumstances. 

The shooting didn’t create these issues….it highlighted them for all to see. Many had no idea that the police are capable of responding as they are now, sending tear gas and army tanks into crowds of innocent people, but they have been trained all over the country to respond in exactly this way. The people have a right to know that, and have a right to say “This is not how we want to run our society.”  Continue reading