2018 is the year of unforeseen miracles that seek to take form

miracleGillian MacBeth Louthan – Miracles will abound in unimagined forms and forums as the Earth enters this new cycle of learning and loving simultaneously. Earth Knows in her heart of heart, as every human should, that all is in divine order no matter how much one splashes about in their drama. Goodness like divinity is becoming a far-fetched commodity, top shelf only and not available for the common folk.

All of Humanity holds the power of Miracles within their heart, as a species it is theirs alone, a parting gift from the Creator. No other species in the universe holds what the heart of humanity holds. The inner Wellspring humanity has been drained in the last few years leaving people parched for the appearance of a few scattered miracles.

Miracles themselves will not fit the known platform of the Miracles of old. These miracles will be Mustangs of sorts – Mustangs that are strong of purpose and seek new places to graze. A miracle can change shape purpose and Mission in a fleeting moment. A miracle can take the form of a person or instant healing. Continue reading

Messages for August 14 – 20, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – Part 1 offers prayers and meditations about shielding yourself energetically, looking at your options, and expressing yourself creatively.


Part 2 is a discussion, meditation, and prayer about trusting in God’s miracles. Doreen shares her favorite angel story about Peter, and Michael joins her for the second part to talk about the miracle of life. Continue reading

Angel Messages For Jan 30 – Feb 5, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – Mother Energy is prominent this week, and you are super-powered with your spiritual gifts of healing, through opening your heart (and others’ hearts) with compassion and forgiveness.


Signs from Heaven will appear to you this week, such as feathers and coins. You are a vessel of much-needed personal and global healing with your open heart and faith in God’s miracles.

From the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards at:http://bit.ly/MotherMaryCard

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Jan. 2017

Modern Miracles and The Quantum Hologram

QuantumDr. Rudy Schild – Lives of people are often affected by remarkable occurrences that cannot be explained by the precepts of modern science. There is a general sense that most of these phenomena occur within the brain, but seem to be otherwise un-explainable. The most common examples that I cite are:

• Near-Death experiences
• Past lives
• Telepathy
• Remote viewing
• Precognition
• Crop circles
• Astrology
• Orbs, balls of light
• Ghosts, fairies
• Deja-vu
• UFO sightings
• Abductions
• Levitation

The response of our establishment, and particularly the University community has been basically “divide and conquer.” They are easily identified as simple mind phenomena, and dismissed as something that you read about in National Enquirer. “It’s just those NDE people again.” “He sees ghosts, Ha, Ha, Ha.” “Telepathy is just some simple empathy effect of the mind.” What is presently lacking is some overall understanding of what property of the mind, or of the Universe enables these phenomena.

But these phenomena are often quite real to the perceiver, who often feels let down by our scholarly research community.

The Underlying Explanation

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90 day Re-membering

homeSteve Rother – Greetings from Home to all of you.

Your energy has set into motion an entirely new world. One that you are just starting to expand into and explore in a whole new way. Welcome to the new planet earth. We tell you this because we watch from afar; we watch from a distance and we can see a larger picture than most of you can see and it is absolutely beautiful. We tell you that as we have mentioned before, there will be many leaving during these times. It is a natural process for there are many that have completed their jobs. They are done with what they came to do and are needed elsewhere.

They can stay around if they wish but sometimes they are not able to ground in the same ways and many of them return Home. Now what you should re-member is that humans celebrate birth and mourn death. We do the opposite. Yes, you have all your friends at Home; that is something very few people re-member while they are on the planet. When you return Home the memories will return.  Until then let us say that it is as if you are walking down the street focused on where you are going or what you are doing when suddenly somebody comes up to you and makes eye contact.

Your brain can find no record of this person as it searches through the memory banks, but yet your souls know each other well and for just that instance you see yourself through their loving eyes.  In that moment, you re-member.

As this person speaks, your heart fills with incredible memories of your lives together and how you have worked with them over many lifetimes. You may have skipped a reunion this last incarnation but this is actually a very dear friend that you did not know you missed so much until just now. You have so many of these relationships at Home.

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