Go Within

Sound Beings  December 12 2013

SoundBeing1“There is no other, no Guru; there is YOU . YOU are all there is, rather, ALL there is. It can sometimes be easy to confuse detachment with not caring; you are here to practice responsible detachment, and loving action. They are the Yin and YANG . For millenia beings upon this plane have not embraced their power, they have given responsibility and ownership to an outside being / an outside source/ something considered as separate to themselves; unloving deeds have been and continue to be committed in the name of another, some EXTERNAL and unconnected entity ; nothing external from you exists as we ARE ALL ONE.

Each one of you is ALL; each one of you is creator and destroyer. There is no harmony in acting from a place of non responsibility; whenever you say ” that person made me do this” or ” My ” master / my teacher / my god says I must / must not do this or that” you are not being harmonious UNLESS you FEEL within your heart that YOU are doing , that you are BEING the right thing. You must acknowledge ownership of your actions and feelings. You must be and act in harmony and love.

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Your Thoughts And Emotions Create Your Vibration And Circumstances In Your Life, Including Illness

Prevent Disease October 8 2012 (Thanks, Kevin)

Everything in this world that you see manifested as form and phenomena, including things like electricity, sound waves coming to your ears as music and speech, everything is vibrations. This includes your health or illness.

We often hear it said, “I get good vibes from so and so person”, or perhaps, “I get bad vibes from such and such place”. What is really being said is that different types of vibrations are being picked up by the individuals.

Every type of energy has a different vibrational frequency. For example, water has one, and when it turns to ice, it has a different vibration. When it turns to vapour, the vibration changes again. Electricity as we know it on earth is the grossest form of energy. Sound waves have their own frequency of vibration. Of all these, thought vibration is the strongest. Most of our thoughts we turn into words — spoken words — and these words we put into action. Action when repeated again and again, form our habits, is it not? And our very nature, our character, is determined by our habits. Every tomorrow that we wake up is then determined by our nature and character.

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