Transform Finances with the New Moon in Taurus

Transform Finances with the New Moon in TaurusNikki Harper – The new moon in Taurus on the 19th of May is a potent time to re-evaluate your relationship with money and material possessions. Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and luxury. It is associated with the earth element, which signifies stability, grounding, and practicality.

As a result, the energy of this new moon encourages us to slow down, appreciate the simple pleasures of life, and focus on building a strong financial foundation. Continue reading

Is Anger Blocking Your Money Flow?

angerJelaila Starr – People often ask me how I come up with the topics for my weekly messages. Often times they come as a result of a counseling session. When I get a string of sessions with a similar topic I take that as a cue to share the solution. Moreover, I’ve come to realize that when those strings occur, it is because there are a large number of people working on the same issue at the same time. You could say they are working on a template that when done, will be available to all via the mass consciousness grid.

Right now I’m seeing a lot of work being done on anger and how it blocks the flow of money. Money is a big issue right now. You could say that we are working on templates for how to flow money even when it appears that we cannot due to the fears that are stopping us.

There are many ways in which anger can block money flow…any number of issues, too many to discuss in one weekly message. Today I’ll cover one of them.

Money flow can be blocked by anger over someone who is taking your energy and giving back very little. In other words the energy exchange is grossly imbalanced. This type of block is not easy to see when it begins, especially for those who with a humanitarian bent. The reason is because of our inherent desire to help others causes us to defend the amount of time, money and effort (energy) we are expending on that individual. Here’s an example.

I have a client that I’ll call Sherry. Sherry is one of those people that rarely ever gets angry. When people walk all over her, she cries but does not get outraged.

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