GMO Geopolitics Update: Mon(ster)Santo Loses Patent Rights In India

gmoJoseph P Farrell – Ms. M.W. spotted this one and, in my estimation, it could be a very significant development in the emergence of GMO geopolitics. The US “agribusiness” giant Mon(ster)santo has lost a crucial decision in India; it cannot patent its GMO seeds in that country. But there’s more:

Monsanto loses right to patent seeds

Here’s the crucial parts of the story:

Opponents of genetically modified crops received a boost when the Delhi High Court upheld the Indian Patent Act, which states that seeds and life forms cannot be patented, and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 (PPV&FR Act), which biotechnology multinationals have tried to undermine, and ruled that key plant genetic material cannot be patented. The court was deciding a dispute between Monsanto and Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd, Prabhat Agri Biotech Ltd and Pravardhan Seeds Private Ltd, over interpretation of law, especially Section 3(j) of the Indian Patent Act and applicability of PPV&FR Act for transgenic plants. Continue reading

The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet

bayerEllen BrownTwo new studies from Europe have found that the number of farm birds in France has crashed by a third in just 15 years, with some species being almost eradicated. The collapse in the bird population mirrors the discovery last October that over three quarters of all flying insects in Germany have vanished in just three decades. Insects are the staple food source of birds, the pollinators of fruits, and the aerators of the soil.

The chief suspect in this mass extinction is the aggressive use of neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly imidacloprid and clothianidin, both made by German-based chemical giant Bayer. These pesticides, along with toxic glyphosate herbicides (Roundup), have delivered a one-two punch against Monarch butterflies, honeybees and birds. But rather than banning these toxic chemicals, on March 21st the EU approved the $66 billion merger of Bayer and Monsanto, the US agribusiness giant producing Roundup and the genetically modified (GMO) seeds that have reduced seed diversity globally. The merger will make the Bayer-Monsanto conglomerate the largest seed and pesticide company in the world, giving it enormous power to control farm practices, putting private profits over the public interest. Continue reading

Putin Vows To Feed Half The World With Non-GMO Organic Food

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to feed half the world with this year’s record-breaking non-GMO organic grain harvest in Russia.

Putin’s decision to feed half the world could not have come at a more critical moment in history. New evidence shows that the DNA methylation process used by Americans to create genetically modified (GMO) foods accumulates in GMO maize – and many experts believe this is causing de-masculinized boys and young men to lose as much as 50% of their sperm. reports: The Anti-Christ demonic globalists controlling America have for decades engaged in an all-out war upon humanity—and whose worship at the altar of “overpopulation” has seen these monsters calling for nothing less than outright genocide with their views being summed up with the words: “Too much population?  No problem… let’s just pick some groups that aren’t contributing much to the global economy and kill them off.  There’ll be fewer mouths to feed, more land to grow food for the rest of us, and more water to irrigate the crops.” Continue reading

GMO Food Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed

biofortificationSean Adl-Tabatabai – GMO food is harmful to human health. Genetically modified organisms, when fed to humans, cause serious health problems including cancer.

So what does Monsanto, the leading producer of genetically engineered seeds, do about this silent killer? It quietly rebrands the term ‘GMO’ with the new more obscure term ‘biofortified’ to trick consumers into thinking they are not eating food that has been genetically modified.

Natural Blaze reports: There are no power grabs out of reach for Monsanto – they are now attempting the most ridiculous propaganda scheme of all. They are attempting to manipulate definitions under Codex Alimentarius that would allow GMOs to fall under the classification of “biofortified” foods.

Codex is a collection of guidelines, codes and other recommendations relating to foods, food production, and food safety – that were created under the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. If you are thinking this is arbitrary and wondering why our country should pay any attention to such guidelines, you are heading in the right direction… In the late 1990s, consumers feared that their vitamins and supplements would move to prescription-only under Codex guidelines. Continue reading

GMO Scrapbook: Russia, GMO Geopolitics, And The Emerging Pattern

chinaJoseph P Farrell – Over the years as I’ve been watching the bewildering march of several countries, including the USSA, to pollute the food supply with GMO seeds, to court the favor of various governments to promote them and conversely, to make organic foods cost prohibitive, I’ve been arguing that eventually we’d see a kind of GMO geopolitics emerge on the global stage, and that Russia would lead it. The playing field, now, is certainly not level.

Think about it: on a level playing field, the non-GMO farmer or dairy producer would be able to bring his product to market at more or less the same cost as the farmer raising GMOs or injecting cattle with hormones, if not less. What does one see? The opposite:  article for article and ounce for ounce and pound for pound, the “organic” products cost more. Why? There are many reasons but among them is the reason that most western governments have been bought and paid for by I.G. Farbensanto. The agribusiness cartel gets “breaks” and perks, among which are sheer economies of scale.

What is needed is a similar economy of scale for “organic” products, and someone willing to point out the not only the health dangers of GMOs (there are many in spite of what the FDA is telling you; we like to call it the Food for Disease Administration), but the potential risks to the global food supply, and that can make non-GMOs available and compete on the global market. What is needed is someone willing to speak for those farmers and health experts in the west that have been marginalized for questioning the GMO Gospel of I.G. Farbensanto.  I have called this position “GMO geopolitics”, and years ago predicted that Russia, at least, would lead it. Continue reading