The Scientific Benefits of Nature

The Scientific Benefits of NatureAmelia Harris – For centuries, human beings have found nature to be a source of awe and wonder. The beauty of nature, from its majestic mountains and flowing rivers to its intricate flora and fauna, has captivated our imaginations and inspired countless works of art and literature.

However, beyond its aesthetic appeal, nature also offers numerous benefits for our physical and mental health. From boosting our immune system to improving our mood and reducing stress, spending time outdoors can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. Continue reading

Is All That We See Really What’s Going On?

Catherine J. Frompovich – As 2015 winds down to ebb away into sanitized history books, we probably are looking anxiously toward 2016 for what the coming year portends globally. However, shouldn’t we do a reality check and remind ourselves that how we perceive what’s going on in the world around us and how it’s portrayed for us by governments and the media actually may be at realistic odds and far from factual?

weatherThe above cartoon is admirable insofar as it is trying to tell something we need to re-evaluate, in my opinion. Nonetheless, that just may not be what’s really going on, e.g., Mother Nature wreaking havoc upon us mortals and contrasting her weather violence with the unimaginable actions of zealots who believe in causes so resolutely, even to committing calculated suicide missions.

Personally, I think there are some differences between the two crises illustrated. For the first difference, I’d like to suggest that both crises result from HUMAN actions. Admittedly, we see the aftermath of terrorists’ actions on the nightly news; the gun battles; drone sorties; plus the foreign intrigue that accompanies infiltration into homelands and young, apparently delusional minds.

The second difference is what we don’t see on the nightly news or in the weather forecasters’ prognostications. They never talk about weather geoengineering taking place on a global scale or explain weather systems that they see on their radar as anomalies. What’s going on that’s affecting Mother Nature really is “weather geoengineering” enabled by scientifically-sanctioned aerial spray jobs colloquially known as “chemtrails.” Continue reading

Rootworm Damaging Ineffective GMO Corn

Natural Society | November 21 2012

Genetically modified foodRootworms are the bane of any corn farmer’s existence, and despite the efforts of the world’s biggest biotech agribusinesses to genetically engineer corn to grow their own pesticides, they’re still chewing. Swiss-based Syngenta and St. Louis-based Monsanto are on the defense as scientists accuse their GM corn of being faulty, thanks to a “cross-resistance” to rootworm.

There’s something providential about a lowly beetle so easily wreaking havoc on one of humanity’s most horrifically remarkable creations.  Clearly, Mother Nature trumps us every time, but it’s a pill the likes of Monsanto and Syngenta aren’t willing to swallow without a fight.

The Far-Reaching Dangers of Pesticides

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The Evil Of Monsanto And GMOs Explained

Natural News | September 23 2012

Genetically modified maize

Genetically modified organismBy now, nearly all informed people recognize that Monsanto is widely regarded as the most evil corporation on our planet. But what, exactly, makes Monsanto so evil? Why is Monsanto worse than a pharmaceutical company, a pesticide company or even a weapons manufacturer?

The answer to this question is found in probing the virtue of the corporation in question. As virtuous people, we expect corporations to act with a sense of fundamental human decency. We expect them to behave within the boundaries of respecting human life, honest business practices and reliable science. We (naively) wish that corporations would act like decent human beings.

But they don’t. In their quest for profit at any cost, they violate the basic tenants of virtue. They betray humanity. They destroy life. They malign Mother Nature herself, and in doing so, they threaten the very future of sustainable life on our planet.

Here, I unravel the fundamental “violations of virtue” that Monsanto practices on a daily basis. It is these things, I think you’ll agree, that make Monsanto a despicable corporate entity and a threat to all humankind.

Corporate greed over service to humanity

Monsanto’s actions are designed to maximize its corporate profits, not to serve the people. Its entire seed-and-herbicide business model is designed to trap farmers in a system of economic dependence… to turn farmers into indentured servants who can never return to traditional farming after their soil has been destroyed with Roundup.

Death over life

Monsanto’s products cause death. They compromise and violate life. Monsanto’s GM corn grown a toxic chemical right inside each and every corn kernel. This corn is what is subsequently eaten by humans.

Rats fed this corn grew horrifying cancer tumors. In a recent scientific study, a shocking 70 percent of female rats died prematurely when fed GMOs. Fifty percent of males died early. Almost all of them died from cancer tumors.

Read more about the link between GMOs and cancer tumors at:…

Secrecy over transparency

Monsanto is spending millions of dollars to try to defeat Proposition 37 in California — a bill which would simply require GMOs to be indicated on food labels.

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Making Chemical Giants Happy At Our Expense

Nation Of Change | May 9 2012

DowThanks to the blessings of nature and good farmers, you and I can enjoy such scrumptious delights as fresh corn-on-the-cob, popcorn and many other variations of this truly great grain. And now, thanks to Dow Chemical and federal regulators, we can look forward to “Agent Orange Corn.” The chemical giant is in line to gain approval for putting a genetically altered corn seed on the market that will produce corn plants that won’t die when doused with high levels of 2,4-D.

This potent pesticide was an ingredient in Dow’s notorious Agent Orange defoliant, which did such extensive and horrific damage to soldiers and civilians in the Vietnam War. However, the corporation and the feds claim that 2,4-D was not the deadliest ingredient of the killer defoliant and has not yet been proven to cause cancer in humans, so they’re pressing ahead to let this corporate-constructed seed be planted across America.

Dow now sells 2,4-D to help kill various weeds, but the herbicide is so strong that it also kills nature’s own version of corn plants. Thus, Dow’s genetic engineers went into the corporate lab and manufactured a new corn that’s immune to the weed-killer. This would let the chemical maker profit from selling the patented seed, plus enjoying a huge increase in sales of its 2,4-D herbicide. How happy for Dow! Not so happy, though, for consumers worried about the untested long-term health consequences of the altered corn and the carcinogenic possibilities of ingesting more 2,4- D. Also, when sprayed, this herbicide can vaporize and spread for miles, killing crops that are not immune, poisoning the surrounding environment, and endangering the health of farmers and townspeople throughout the area.

Dow is hardly alone in pursuing its happiness at the expense of others. Indeed, rather than finding ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants generally reach for the quick, high-tech fix in a futile effort to overpower nature.

Their attitude is that if brute force isn’t working, they’re probably not using enough of it. Monsanto, for example, has banked a fortune by selling a corn seed that it genetically manipulated to produce corn plants that won’t die when sprayed with a toxic weed-killer called “Roundup.” Not coincidentally, Monsanto also happens to be the maker of Roundup, so it has profited from the seed and from the surge in Roundup sales that the seed generated.

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