7 Natural Brain Foods For Cognition And Concentration

Natural Society February 14 2013

CognitionIf you have ever had problems concentrating, you know how extremely frustrating it is to get anything done. As we age, it seems to be more and more difficult to keep our thoughts collected or even remember where we put our keys. This may be a part of the aging process to some degree, but diet and lifestyle certainly has a lot to do with it as well. Luckily, there are several brain foods that you can include in your daily diet to boost cognitive function, boost concentration, and slow down brain decline.

Here are 7 foods to eat for better cognition, concentration, and for overall brain preservation.

1. Brain Foods – Walnuts

Interestingly enough, walnuts actually resemble small brains. Perhaps this is a clue that we should eat them. A study conducted in the 2007 found that a diet including more than 2% walnuts was able to reverse brain aging, including age related motor and cognitive defects. Walnuts are rich in antioxidants which fight against free radical damage to the brain cell’s DNA.

2. and 3. Coffee and Dark Chocolate

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