Tiger Woods – The Power of Redemption

tigerAlexandra BruceMouthy Buddha has applied his prodigious editing skills to the creation of this video and as a former High School varsity golfer himself, he really captured the drama of the final round of the the 2019 Master’s tournament, when Tiger Woods came up from behind with a surreal shot to win. More importantly, he captured the essence of Tiger’s tale of redemption. Mouthy puts you into your heart space and keeps you there for a solid 10 minutes. He begins by appealing to your sense of reason:”When someone we admire makes a mistake, rather than see it as an opportunity for condemnation, it can be seen as an opportunity for connection.”

Now, I cannot begin to comprehend why anyone wants to play golf or watch it but I did know that Tiger Woods was at one time superhuman at golf. In 2009, after over a decade as golf’s Golden Boy, it emerged that he was a big time sex addict and that, along with his marriage, he’d wrecked his car and his back. He lost his sponsors too and so took a hiatus from the sport. There was a tabloid orgy and the world seemed to feast on his demise. The Tiger Woods sex scandal made the headlines of the New York Post for 21 consecutive days, “One day more than the September 11th attacks,” as Mouthy Buddha points out. Continue reading