Angel Messages For December 12 – 18, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of self-care and being true to yourself. You don’t wait until New Year’s to enact resolutions of healthful eating and exercise – you start now, even during the holiday season.

You easily express your individuality, and don’t compromise your values to please or impress others. You know that you’ve got the God-given power to move forward with your Divine guidance, whether people understand you or not.

From the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Dec. 2016

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Restoring Your Health Through Nutritional Movement

Dr. Mercola – “Exercise less, move more” and “nutritional movement” — these are innovative concepts that have been popularized by Katy Bowman, author of “Move Your DNA : Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement,” whom I first learned about from readers commenting on my articles.


Katy is a biomechanist by training, but refers to herself as a movement ecologist. Biomechanism is a rather specialized academic path where you study physiology and anatomy through a filter of geometry and physics.

“It’s kind of understanding how physiology and physical forces work together,” she explains.

“Most people are probably familiar with biomechanics in sports performance. A lot of people use biomechanics experts to help modify their golf swing …

A lot of people will take a class or two in biomechanics as they make their way through different healthcare modalities. But that was my entire focus. My undergrad and graduate school was just studying biomechanics.”

Exercise Less, Move More

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Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For February 29 – March 6, 2016 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a fast-moving week with a lot of movement and progress for you. You make big strides in your personal and spiritual growth. A lot of progress occurs for you this week, including in your relationships. You may have literal movement with a new home or job, as well.

Notes: Whenever the camera moves, that’s when the goats and horses are bumping into it.

Doreen is working with the Healing With the Angels Oracle Cards, available at app stores and bookstores worldwide including at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Feb 2016

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Hair On Fire Moments

actionJennifer Hoffman – Are you feeling the need for change? And if you are, are you starting to notice areas of your life that are not very fulfilling or may be unhappy? Is your life starting to look a little frayed around the edges? You’re waking up and it’s the first step on the life change path. But if you’re a ‘sound sleeper’, like I am, waking up and getting up, or taking action, are two different things. Sometimes there is a big gap between them, unless something happens and the universe ‘sets our hair on fire’, then we have no trouble allowing ourselves to take more deliberate and quicker action around change and transformation.

Whatever we do in our awakening moments when we realize it’s time for a change is the middle of the process that has been knocking at the doorway of our awareness for a while. It’s not our fault, some people are sound sleepers (I know I am). So when we awaken to the need for transformation, we may not be ready to act but we’re certainly in the space where we can no longer ignore our needs and have an overwhelming urge to consider other options. Something happens to gets us off the fence, to give us a compelling reason to change ‘now’, to ‘set our hair on fire’ so we are no longer willing to delay or procrastinate, we’re ready to take action now. Continue reading