Catharsis: It’s How To Control Slaves

Catharsis: the release of built-up emotional and mental pressure and tensions.

CatharsisManChainsLightPrisonSo the prisoners within this false matrix prison planet are awakening and are getting very pissed-off. To help prevent mass revolutions and rebellions you need to create a way for the masses to vent, release and sometimes even dissolve their concerns, emotions and pressures. Once again you use the mass media and Hollywood as some of your main weapons after already having dumbed down the populations with poisons and chemicals in their food, water and air. Also after and during continuously suppressing their rebellious inclinations with constant bombardment of various frequencies and directed frequency weapons.

It is amazing just how many truths are in your face in some of these movies. It is almost ridiculous but we must realize it is all by design. Fiction is never fiction. It is all consciousness and energy.  All of it.

When you go watch a movie for that hour and a half or whatever you are totally involved in the scenes and script. For one you are sitting in a dark place where only the projection on the screen has light, therefore you are more programmable in the dark with your creative chemical “melatonin” flowing nicely. So the sounds and music play an extremely important part in making you experience the scene. No one has mentioned this before but using the stereo sounds in the movie house can alter your brainwave frequencies just like when we use “Hemi sync” with stereo headphones in meditations to get you rapidly into Alpha and Theta mind frequencies. Continue reading