Oxidative Stress And Inflammation Age Humans The Fastest

“To prevent your own immune system from attacking the fatty myelin sheaths that insulate YOUR nerve tissue, begin by filtering toxins from your daily intake. That is the key, plus proper organic supplementation. Optimal vitamin D3 and organic leafy greens are crucial for recovery.”  S D Wells


When people hear the term neurodegenerative disease, they either run the other way and just pray that they never have to deal with it, or they have no idea what it means. When millions of Americans take prescription drugs to cover up and temporarily minimize symptoms of chronic health ailments, they are actually increasing oxidative stress and inflammation, pouring “salt in the wound.” Finally, when people consume chemicals in foods and drinks, and use chemical-laden personal care products, they are fueling the degeneration of their DNA, and when that incapacitates the brain, they can’t even identify their immediate family. It’s called Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s not just for “old timers” anymore.

Will you have Alzheimer’s in 30 to 40 years?

How can you destroy your cells for 30 or 40 years and take a chemical prescription to fix it? You can’t. How can you strangulate your cells and cut off oxygen to the brain for years and then quell the “symptoms” with medication? You can’t. That’s the scam of Obamacare and the “Inflammation Nation.” America is fed GMOs, pesticide-laden food meant to DESTROY insects and weeds that kill agricultural profits. It kills people! Neurodegenerative disease is just an umbrella term for a wide range of conditions that affect the neurons in the brain. These neurons are the very building blocks of the whole nervous system, including the spinal cord. This is oxidative stress after the accumulation of toxins, and it goes highly underestimated — having lethal consequences.

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The Link Between Stress And Intestinal Parasites

“You should be aware, however, that in some cases you may experience something that is known as as healing reaction/crisis. Also known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, it is a reaction to endotoxins released by the death of harmful organisms in the body.” ~M Kmiec

Many of you already know that I was extremely ill just over tens years ago. My symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis were text book. I could barely walk, was dangerously thin (98 pounds), and suffered with electrical symptoms in my limbs and torso. Needless to say… it was awful! (see my story here: Crossroads in Life – A Journey Back to Health)

However, I did not want to believe that my only option was to take pharmaceutical drugs, and live my life bound to a wheelchair; and that was my predicted future. So I decided to be my own guinea pig, and try as many different holistic treatments that offered hope. The first thing, on my holistic menu of options was to totally detox my body, and this included clearing out any intestinal (as well as liver and heart) parasites.

At first I, like many of you, couldn’t believe that it was possible to have parasites in the first place! After all, I live in the United States! And besides, if you just Google “intestinal parasites”, you’ll find that websites such as WebMD state that parasites in the USA are rare. But other sites such as CureZone offer thousands of anecdotal stories of people who 100% disagree.

Yeah I know… ”anecdotal” is hardly “evidence based”. Yet, as far as I am concerned, anecdotal stories are far more accurate than what western medicine tells us, especially since people are sicker today than ever before. Furthermore, you can now add my name to the “anecdotal” list! Continue reading

I Believe There Is Always Something To Be Grateful For

Operate from a place of gratitude, positivity and selflessness. There is always something to be grateful for. I look at each experience in life as a chance to learn and grow as a person. I am known for taking a day-old batch of lemons and making a kick-butt pitcher of lemonade to share with everyone around me.

I work hard to find the positives aspects from each experience that life throws my way. In 2004, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and I’ve since learned to appreciate the little things in life. You won’t find me complaining about doing the dishes because the reality is there may be a day when this task proves to be physically difficult for me. I don’t dwell on my diagnosis because I believe that negativity breeds more negativity. I’ve learned to appreciate each day and I never take my health for granted.

I strive to stay positive and to have an “attitude of gratitude”. About five years ago, I met a woman who had just experienced every mother’s worst nightmare when her two-year old son was hit and killed by a car. Just a week after his passing, she said, “I am thankful that I was able to be home with him for those two years of his life”.

In the midst of her deep despair and heartbreak, she was able to find something to be grateful for. I left that day with such a deep respect for this woman and the way she was choosing to cope with her loss. She was remembering the positives and living in gratitude.

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