The Sacred Secret to Strengthening your Super Manifesting Muscles

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings | March 3 2012

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ~Albert Schweitzer

Your body is an amazing manifesting vehicle.  It has a special energy and intelligence already within it that works like a radio tower, continuously broadcasting your thoughts, needs and desires far out into the Universe to be later received.  Yet, like any ligament or tendon, your manifesting muscles can get weak and lazy if not exercised regularly, and if they’re overworked you’ll feel a lack of energy, creativity and joy.  So whether you’re spending your days running around completing every action on your ‘to do’ list, or still spinning your wheels stuck in that same old dysfunctional situation, don’t let your dream life pass on by.  I invite you to take on this special enlightening experience below.  It will reboot your mind, re-ignite your inspiration, and make your life successful in the most fulfilling way!

To start strengthening your manifesting muscles this week, start each day with this one manifesting workout.  The very first few minutes of each morning, start repeating the word “YES! YES! YES!” in your mind.   Let this inner YES message come from deep within you.  This is a deep YES to yourself, your life, and everything in it exactly as it is.   By saying YES to who you are, who you’ve been, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and what you’re doing with your life today, you will start to expand your vibration and consciousness.  It may be a loud boisterous YES, or a simple soft quiet YES, yet the more authentic it is, the greater the movement of raw positive energy.   The goal here is to let this inner YES sink deeply into your attitude and thought patterns so that naturally you’re thinking positive thoughts about every aspect of your life.

As you will discover, the word YES has many dimensions to it.  It is one of the most effective words you can use in the manifesting world.  It carries a vibration that instantly shifts everything around.  It’s the word which every enlightened being uses deeply and frequently.  This magical YES mantra is one of the most powerful manifesting workouts you can take on.  It holds that essential success frequency that cannot be repeated too much. Every time you overcome a big YES challenge you will be rewarded.  Every big YES you can send out into the Universe, you’ll receive another big YES back your way.  Whenever you ask the Universe for something, anything…it is much more likely to say YES to you.

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