Controlling Music controls Civilizations!

Controlling Music controls Civilizations!Jill Mattson – The earliest writings describing ancient Chinese music began at @ 645 BC. These documents described musical history as early as 2697 BC – during the reign of the Yellow Emperor. The musical system that originated at this time – essentially did not change for thousands of years. [1]

Today leaders categorize military and economic problems as issues of utmost importance. Confucius believed that the quality of music was greater – as improper music led to problems that required a military force. If music (or subtle vibrations that people were exposed to) was controlled, then there would be no need of military.

Evil is disharmonious and cannot exist in a strong field of harmony. The stronger vibration overcomes the lesser. Continue reading

The Secrets of the Seven Sacred Vowels

The Secrets of the Seven Sacred VowelsJill Mattson – Each vowel sound is universal and creates different harmonics. All sounds vibrate with full and partial vibration; the partial vibrations are called harmonics. Depending on the shape of the mouth and the spin of the energy we put into a word, the amount of energy that goes into different harmonics varies. Said differently, each vowel sound has its own unique pattern of harmonics.

Many frequencies, such as neuron transmitters, cell to cell transfer and chemical processes in the body – follow harmonic patterns. When we get ill, the harmonics are out of whack. Therefore, listening to differently vowel sounds can provide specific healing benefits. Continue reading