Proof The Mainstream Music Industry Is Completely Fake [Video]

musicArjun Walia – In this day and age, it doesn’t take much for a person/song to become popular in a short period of time. It seems that anyone on the planet could get behind a microphone in a studio and make a hit song. Why is this? Because vocals are tampered with, songs are written by a team of professionals instead of an artist, and all it takes is a person, talent or no talent, to complete the project.

Apart from that, a young woman could be giving a major performance completely naked (and doing all sorts of ‘vulgar’ things onstage), and it would seem completely normal. This is something we’ve seen recently at multiple major performances, and it represents something far from art…

These days, for a song to become a “hit,” all that’s needed is the backing of a giant music corporation like Universal Records (for example). Once an individual is willing to “sell their soul” (a phrase commonly used by music artists)  for fame and fortune, the record company will take care of the rest, no talent required.

We are made to worship some of these people, we want to be like them, look like them, dress like them. Many popular music artists today have become nothing short of walking corporate billboards, often used to influence the minds of the masses, generate huge profits, and influence consumer behaviour. This is no conspiracy, various artists have hinted at the fact that a large portion of music is used for mind control. ODB from the Wu-Tang-Clan is one example out of many. Continue reading

Music In The Key Of Soul

The Conquest of Noise

MusicTrebleClefIt does not take an aficionado to observe the declining quality of contemporary music.  When we dare to explore the radio dial, we often find a barrage of noise attacking our ears and senses.  We may search for the message and our connection with it, though rarely are we able to enjoy or resonate with the songs or the frequency in which they are recorded and broadcast.  Where once we were empowered, inspired and happy in our listening, now we often experience the side effects of corporatized sound.

A hostile takeover has been executed with boardroom secrecy and precision.  It has nearly sacrificed the essence of music.  Initially it was the manipulation of the frequency in which music was tuned, performed and recorded.  Next it was the elementary, commercial, propaganda-laden lyrics influencing our listening, perceptions and lifestyles.  Then it was the incessant promotion of untalented people singing meaningless songs to distract us from the real issues in society and ourselves.  Now it is the control of the industry by the unoriginal few at the cost of the passion and creativity of the many.

An Uphill Battle

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Music Industry Exposed Part 2 – The Agenda Promotes The Dark Side

“Music directly represents the passions of the soul. If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person” – Aristotle

The first article in this series investigated the huge amount of dark esoteric symbols being promoted in the music industry. This article explores how references to darkness in popular music extend well beyond the use of symbols, creating a culture where the forces of evil are celebrated and practically worshipped by proxy throughout the world.

Music makes up a huge part of our lives. We listen in our spare time, to entertain us while we’re going to work, to motivate us – we might even have songs from our favourite artists stuck in our head all day long! Popular musicians undeniably hold a powerful position in our lives, having a big impact over the direction of our thoughts, emotions and actions. For many people they are life’s biggest role models.

There have been numerous scientific studies that show how we as a species are prone to imitating and conforming to the requests of powerful people and how easily we go along with social norms. Recently there has been much concern about the effect celebrities have on the values of adolescents who often mimic adult behaviours they witness in the media without fully understanding their consequences.

Almost all of the top 30 most watched youtube videos are music related Source

Collectively the videos of popular artists have billions of views on YouTube, and vast numbers of fans buy albums and visit concerts every year. That’s a lot of influence to have on the impressionable minds of future generations.

“Celebrity worship now provides an important reference point for growing up. It’s part of the transfer of attachment from parents to peer group. Also, whereas in past times family, friends and teachers were influential role models, celebrities now fulfill that role.” – John Maltby, co-author of a study on the attitudes of youth towards celebrities Source

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Music Industry Exposed (Part 1)

Misuse and Abuse of Esoteric Symbols

‘Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.’ Confucius

StopRedSignSymbols are a universal language, and such a part of our lives that once we are exposed to them we process them on a subconscious level, our actions guided by them without us having to think about it. We automatically stop at red lights and know which button turns on the TV because of the common symbols used to represent them. But the power of symbols goes far beyond their day-to-day to use.

Esoteric symbols are those with a hidden meaning, likely to be understood only by a small number of people, and have been used throughout time in the great spiritual traditions to guide truth seekers. Depending on how they’re used they can represent and attract either forces of darkness or forces of light.

Increasingly esoteric symbols are making their way into popular culture, especially in high profile places like the music industry. What is the source of these symbols? Why are so many artists using them? Are they just something “cool” that major players came up with to represent their personal brands? Or are they part of a sinister plan? Are esoteric symbols being used for good or evil?

A Brief Introduction to Esoteric Symbolism

Many who study the use of esoteric symbolism in popular culture approach their analysis from a religious perspective, and as such consider all esoteric symbols to be part of a Satanic, anti-Christian agenda. While it’s understandable that symbols may be perceived in this way because they are often used in sinister contexts associated with darkness, it appears that entrenching the idea that all esoteric symbols are “evil” is part of the agenda behind their misuse. Continue reading