Music of the Spheres

Music of the SpheresJill Mattson – Throughout the age’s arcane circles, priests and students of “higher” learning wrote about the importance of planetary sounds. Pythagoras wrote about these ideas – and they were ancient in his time.

Pythagoreans studied music to gain insights into the mathematical underpinnings of the physical world. [1] Kitty Ferguson, who wrote The Music of Pythagoras , tells us, “The Pythagoreans used music to heal the body and to elevate the soul, yet they believed that Earthly music was no more than a faint echo of the universal ‘harmony of the spheres.’

In ancient cosmology, the planetary spheres ascended from Earth to Heaven like the rungs of a ladder. Each sphere corresponded to a different note of a grand musical scale. The particular tones emitted by the planets depended upon the ratios of their respective orbits, just as the tone of a lyre-string depended upon its length.

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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, April 18 – Sunday, April 19, 2015 – The Second Renaissance

New Moon Phase (2:56 pm ET/6:56 pm UT): set intentions/plant seeds (hopes, wishes, and dreams)

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands the Mind)

spheresGod of Will: Ian Achoneses (God of the East, The King of the Battlefield)

Skill: insert your intentions for your future and for the future of the world

Positive Imprints: resetting

Catalysts for Change: resetting

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month and New Year: “the music of the spheres”

Happy New Epoch!

A resetting or recalibration of the fields of consciousness occurs with the New Moon in Aries Saturday at 2:56 pm ET/6:56 pm UT. In the natural cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Earth and the cycles of astrology, the new year begins each year when the Sun and Moon meet in the zodiacal sign of Aries. This year is quite different, though, because it doesn’t just usher in a new year, it signals the beginning of a new epoch.

The Sabian symbol or energetic code for the degree of this historic event is 29 Aries and “the music of the spheres.” The spheres are the planets, but we are also spheres. Let’s see what will be “playing” this year: Continue reading