These Simple Physical Signs Could Indicate A Nutrient Deficiency

FingernailIt’s wise to consult a holistic physician, chiropractor, orthomolecular (mega-dose supplements instead of pharmaceuticals) practitioner, naturopath or other holistic practitioner who is conversant with nutritional health if you’re feeling “blah,” not with it or in poor health.But in lieu of those resources, there are some telltale guidelines that may help you determine which areas you need to supplement more. Of course, one needs to stay away from the standard American diet of processed and fast foods and instead eat locally grown, chemical-free organic food as much as possible.

Some plant foods may be cost-prohibitive. Then at least use the Earth Working Group (EWG) to determine what conventional crops are the least chemically sprayed to buy. Organic dairy products should be from non-rBGH- or antibiotic-injected grass-fed cows, goats or sheep.

Raw milk is the healthiest, as are truly free-range chicken eggs. Minimize meat and stick with organic grass-fed cows humanely treated and not injected with hormones and antibiotics. All this may be pricier, but isn’t your health more valuable?

Physical signs of nutritional deficiencies

As with foods, your supplement choices should be as high quality as possible. Do your research on product choices.

Heart: Irregular heart beat may indicate a magnesium deficiency. High blood pressure can be remedied with lots of ascorbic acid and L-lysine daily. General heart health can be bolstered with CoQ10 or Ubiquinol.

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