Being One With Source

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | July 10  2012

Each breath is an opportunity to align with your source. In our last missive we spoke of the importance of breathing deeply to find the calm within the continued exercise enabling one to move through any and all experience.

The idea of being one with source is appealing for many. However, most have no true concept of what that really means.

Most have been taught that the physical realm is a separation from source. Through generations it is most true that there is an invisible wall separating the two. Perhaps it would be prudent to reassess the concept: Instead of ascending to a higher plane, let yourself participate with the source within you.

Attempt to draw spiritual energy into your reality. The physical realm could use a good participation with lighter ethereal energy. By acknowledging the “god” within you, instead of beyond, there is hope to evolve the reality to a a better place.

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