Multilayered Veils | November 17 2012

Creator deityThere are many layers to the awakening and healing process – from the Earthy to 7th level awakening. Yes. I know there are those who claim 9th and 12th dimensional beings contacting them and 45 strands of DNA but we won’t go there. If you make it to the 5th dimension it is Christ Consciousness where man/woman know themselves to be God and God knows itself to be man/woman. 7th is God Consciousness fully immersed in Creator. Let’s just get there first before setting higher goals.

In order to break through the veils one must break through the ignorance and take a long hard look at what is suppressing awakening. The suppression has many levels with many people knowingly and unknowingly participating in it. On the physical level there are psychotropic drugs, chemicals and additives in food like aspartame, fluoride, along with as many as 600 to almost 800 carcinogenic and toxic chemicals and heavy metals. GMO foods as well as heavily processed foods also have an effect. When you are running on low octane fuel it is hard to take off. One of the great suppressors is the chemtrails. Yes.  They are real and not contrails containing a plethora of heavy metals and chemicals.

Many religions suppress the awakening due to a disconnect between Creator and Creation. Heaven and Earth cannot come together under these be-lie-fs. To hold the image of a God separate from man/woman (in some cases a wrathful God) no one can appease or measure up to, creates separation. Yet in their own teaching it is clearly stated that God is Omnipresent, closer than the hair on your head and there are no divisions in God. One such statement was “There shall come a time when man shall not worship God in the temples or mountaintops but within self.” This gives a whole new meaning to Ye Are All Gods, children of the Most High, and the temple is within.

There is also the be-lie-f that creation began on Earth and it is the one and only exclusive project of a little old man with a beard – lightning bolt in one hand, book in another – where he records and punishes those wretched sinners or anyone who steps outside his box. The beliefs that man is born in original sin for taking a bite out of an apple, and Jesus died for your sins, are not very evolved levels of consciousness. Yet to even question this is blasphemy sometimes followed by the wrath of God’s followers. There was sin before and after Jesus died. People are still as corrupt. Unbridled greed and actions against humanity and the Earth have become epidemic. Rather than blame Satan or give credit or blame to Jesus or God any logical mind would come to the conclusion that there is a serious flaw in these beliefs.

Governments and religions have failed completely to bring peace and harmony to humanity and the Earth. What about personal responsibility and accountability for the choices and actions we make rather than blame of give credit to some outside deities? How about honoring the sacred circle of life, the Creator in all Creation, which includes all the other cultures and beliefs outside your box. We all came from the same source and we all return to the same source albeit we give it many names and have many paths.

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