What It Means To “Die” And “Wake Up”

Rajiv Parti MD, and the Lessons of His NDE

Rajiv Parti, MD

Paul Perry – I have written a dozen books on near-death experiences (NDEs), four of which are New York Times bestsellers. The subject of NDEs is one I’m devoted to, and as a result I am constantly in contact with researchers in the field of near death studies as well as those who have had the experience.

NDEs are extraordinary. The idea of leaving one’s body at the point of death, traveling to a Heavenly realm and seeing beloved relatives who have passed, is truly the hero’s journey of our modern age. People who could have died are now kept alive with technology and medicine that didn’t exist just a few years ago. It is because of those advances that the threshold of death is pushed back and NDEs become deeper and the stories richer. Continue reading

Near Death Experience Explains Miracle Extradimensional Healing

Near Death Experience Explains Miracle Extradimensional HealingDeans M. – I was in a rollover accident on a busy major highway, on my way home from a two day shopping trip.

Traveling with my dog, after the car had rolled and was upside down, I screamed and panicked for my dog’s safety. Not knowing that I had been injured, I heard my dog climb over broken glass and run out onto the highway.

As the paramedics worked on me, I kept pleading for someone to find my dog. I did not care what happened to me, I just knew if they let me up, I could call him back, and then I would go to the hospital if they wanted. Continue reading

Near Death Experience Explains Miracle Extradimensional Healing

Dea M. – I was in a roll over accident on a busy major highway, on my way home from a two day shopping trip. Traveling with my dog, after the car had rolled and was upside down, I screamed and panicked for my dogs safety. Not knowing that I had been injured my only concern was for my dog, I heard him climb over broken glass and run out onto the highway.

As the paramedics worked on me on the ground I kept pleading for someone to find him.  I did not care what happened to me, I just knew if they let me up I could call him back, then I would go to the hospital if they wanted. But all I could think of was – let me up to find my dog.  Of course they ignored my pleas, and of at that time I had no idea I was so near death.

Loading me into the ambulance I then knew my chances of getting up to get my dog were now gone.  My heart was in a frenzied panic.  Above me were the can lights of the truck.  I remember looking up and out of the clear blue I found myself pleading to God, for he had made my dog, if he was out there, he was the only thing that could make circumstances that would keep my dog safe until someone could find him.

With great suddenness, the light from that can light came down over my face, into my face and down the length of my body.  As it traveled, it became feeling and that feeling was one of peace.  Also as it traveled the length of my body it pushed the panic ahead of it, and that panic exited the bottoms of my feet.  It traveled the few feet between the gurney and the back of the truck.

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Ronna Star – AA Michael August 2015 Message

lightBeloved masters, on the earthly plane, humans rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel a personal loss of that person from their midst. However, death is also a miracle and, from a spiritual point of view, it is a time of rejoicing, for it is a time of returning to a truer STATE OF BEING.
We have often spoken of diminished consciousness, and most of you are now aware that the ascension process entails expanding your awareness to integrate all the Facets of conscious expression. As you have often heard, you are not just a human being with a Soul; you are a wondrous Being who has experienced a tremendous variety of physical expressions of consciousness.

In ancient times, when you experienced the material realms in semi-solid or in solid form to varying degrees (while in the Higher-Fourth and Lower-Fifth Dimensions, either on Earth or other planets in your solar system or galaxy), you kept the same form for a much longer time than you do now. In fact, you kept the same physical vessel for thousands of years by your timekeeping. The transition process and the relinquishing of a physical vessel at the end of a lifetime were as natural as discarding a suit of old clothes. Death as you now know it did not exist until humanity sank into the density of the Lower Fourth and Third Dimensions, and you forgot that your sojourn on Earth was only a very small interlude amongst a vast array of experiences while on your wondrous journey throughout the cosmos.

After a special farewell ceremony, the departing Soul stepped into a special Fountain of Transition where the Violet Flame of Transformation blazed brightly (the Violet Flame is not hot as you may imagine, but cool and soothing). Then he/she was immediately transported to the appropriate Higher Dimensional environment.

Those who were left behind in the physical realm could communicate telepathically with their departed loved ones, and they knew that they would meet again sometime in the future. They also knew that they could interact while in their Etheric Body with their loved ones during their nightly sojourns, for their nightly travels were as real and memorable as their daytime experiences.

Some time in the future, humanity will cease to fear death and will understand that it is a natural part of the amazing, ever-evolving creative process. There is a natural flow of birth, death/transition, rest and assimilation, and rebirth in order to experience the wondrous variety of shapes, sizes, forms and realities available to you as a cocreator. In the meantime, you must release many of your old fixed ideas and taboos about death and the hereafter, and know that the life you are now experiencing is only a moment in universal time. Continue reading

What If Heaven Is Here And Now?

 “. . . after my NDE, I feel differently. Even though I know I’ll go on living beyond this plane, and I don’t fear physical death anymore, I’ve lost my desire to be anywhere but the place I am now. Interestingly, I’ve become more grounded and focused on seeing the perfection of life in this moment, rather than focusing on the other realm.”  – A Moorjani”

“In her inspirational memoir, Dying to Be Me, about fighting cancer and crossing the boundary between life and death, Anita Moorjani gives readers an understanding of her miraculous near death experience. Is there really a border between heaven and earth, between time and eternity?” – HealYourLife Editors


Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani

During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts, and actions.

Language isn’t an adequate tool for expressing something that can’t be perceived with our five physical senses, so it’s challenging to find the right words to express my understanding of what took place during the experience. However, I’ll do my best to share as clearly as possible what I sense about this world, how we move through it, and how it’s changing for the better.

First, it’s important to understand that my near-death experience wasn’t like any other event I’ve experienced. It didn’t have a clear beginning and end. It was more like a door that once opened, never closes. It initiated ongoing, progressive, deeper understanding and new possibilities that never end. Continue reading