Hold On To Love

One World Rising | January 21 2012

FearThe last few days have been very intense days for many people from what I am hearing. We were smacked hard by yet another solar wave and I truly believe each wave that arrives brings with it information and lesson learning. I also am starting to believe we are not waiting for the shift to come as much as it is already a part of us and we are just trying to adjust and learn a new way of being in the world.

We are the shift and it is well underway.

I am finding my thoughts change now in the blink of an eye and the lesson I believe I am being taught is to not try to hold on to the old thought but rather go with the new one, knowing my decision is a correct one. How can any of us really know for sure? We are all going where no man has gone before. All we can do is try to understand the situation from our hearts and not our 3D minds for that does not work any longer.

We are truly in the process of creating a new world. Right here. Right now. The important thing for all of us to remember at this time is we must go with what feels right and believe in that decision. I believe our gut intuitions are really just our higher all-knowing selves speaking to us and it is important to listen to that.

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