Egypt Blocks Discovery Of Nefertiti’s Tomb

Camara Cassin – A well known Egyptologist named Nicholas Reeves may have found Nefertiti’s resting place in two hidden chambers in King Tut’s tomb.  His preliminary nefertitiradar scans of the monument have found “two open spaces, with signs of metal and organic matter” behind the tombs western and northern walls.

His theory is that undiscovered chambers lie behind the tomb and likely contain the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, one of  Egypt’s most famous figures. The theory has prompted new exploration and it has been extensively scanned by radar.

When he presented his theory at the the Egyptian conference May 8-9, 2016 he was met with disdain and denial.

“In all my career… I have never come across any discoveries in Egypt due to radar scans.” Zahi Hawass said.  He further suggested the team should go take their radar somewhere else, and practice on other monuments known to have hidden chambers.

But what Hawass said isn’t accurate.  In 2000 Reeves’ team found an undisturbed funerary chamber (KV63) using ground-penetrating radar in the Valley of the Kings.

Tomb found in GPR study in 2000 (image)

The Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anani, said he would continue to allow scans of the tomb but that they wouldn’t be allowed to do any physical exploration until he was “100 percent sure there is a cavity behind the wall.”

The thing is that Nicholas Reeves isn’t just some archaeologist off the street. He is the Director of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project and the Senior Egyptologist with the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition.  He graduated with honors and received his PhD 31 years ago for his thesis on tomb robbery and mummy caching.  He has previously been the Curator of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at The British Museum.

In other words – Reeves is highly qualified and yet the Egyptian Antiquities department is blocking him.


Could it be because Egypt doesn’t want anyone to know what is behind that wall?  Nefertiti and her entire family are known for their elongated skulls.

A new discovery, one so public, would be impossible to cover up.  DNA evidence taken from a mummy carries a lot of weight.  Many have theorized that both Tutankhamun parents, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, are ancient aliens, or a lost human species.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti shown with daughters. All have elongated skulls. image

Nefertiti ruled alongside her husband during the 18th dynasty. Following Akhenaten’s death around 1336 BC Nefertiti ruled independently for 14 years.  She was known to be a shrewd military commander as well as a beautiful, graceful woman.  She became Tutankhamen’s guardian and gained further power by marrying him to one of her daughters.

Mystery and intrigue surround her disappearance, because the queen simply vanished from the world scene after the 14th year.  While her tomb has never been found she is said to have been buried with military weapons of gold that lay beside her mirror, fan, and jewels.

In closing Nicholas Reeves said “I was looking for the evidence that would tell me that my initial reading was wrong, but I didn’t find any evidence to suggest that. I just found more and more indicators that there is something extra going on in Tutankhamun’s tomb.”

We can only hope that enough pressure is put on Egypt to allow him to find out.


SF Source Ancient Explorers  June 2015

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The Return Of The Elder Race

TheNewDawn  February 14 2015

EgyptianGoddessRené Guénon’s assertion, culled from ancient esoteric sources, that in the remote past humanity’s first civilisation arose in the ice-free Arctic zone is not without geological support.According to the well-known researcher J.S. Gordon, “there is no scientific doubt that the polar ice caps have melted and reformed many, many times over and that this has always affected human society (plus animal and plant species), often catastrophically.”1 

He points out that the great Ice Age that lasted about two million years, ending about twelve thousand years ago, was made up of thirty or so minor Ice Ages, with warm intervals of polar deglaciation in between them, each creating periods of thousands of years of temperate conditions at the poles. Any one of these warm intervals would have been hospitable to a circumpolar civilisation.

Charles Hapgood, who in the mid-sixties was the Professor of the History of Science at Keene University in New Hampshire, USA, became convinced that humanity did indeed enjoy a sophisticated civilisation a hundred thousand years or more ago, and that it must have been at least partly in a polar location. He derived his theory from cartographic research conducted on ancient portolans or seafaring maps, one of which had been in the possession of a l6th-century Turkish admiral, Piri Re’is.2

“This map (and others also researched),” Gordon comments, summarising Hapgood’s conclusions, “clearly showed… that the polar regions had been cartographically surveyed when no ice cap existed,”3and that in the case of the Antarctic Circle, rivers and mountains had been mapped in such detail that the land must have been inhabited – and by a people who understood spherical trigonometry.

Other researchers, sifting and re-examining existing archaeological data from the past 150 years, have concluded from the evidence of human artefacts and fossil bones found under deep geological layers that anatomically modern humans with a modern intellectual capacity have existed from the beginning of the Quaternary period, some 1.65 million years ago – and that they were taller than modern man and with a brain capacity 15 – 20 per cent larger. Such findings reinforce the growing opinion of many people today that Hapgood’s theory, initially rejected by scientists of the day, has serious merit.

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