Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads

entitiesJames Gilliland – It is a very ancient saying, “The closer you get to nirvana or enlightenment the more the demons rear their ugly heads.

Just as we are playing whack a mole with the global elite and the deep state closing down their DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases used in drug, child trafficking) and a haven for negative ETs.

The darker unseen negative influences are playing whack a mole with those awakening, light workers and white hats. With many, defending against and removing these entities is way above their paygrade. There has been serious backlash. Continue reading

The Etheric Entity Superhighway

connectionsEric Raines – Lets talk for a minute about the parasitic construct. The reason the world is the way that it is…

Most people not only do not have any idea such a thing even exists, those that have realized, often times do not even know what the basics are about.

Lets say for instance, how do the etheric entities actually detect humans? How do they tap into our physical bodies and then manipulate them to block the flow, increase negative emotional resonance, damage meridians and organs as well as cause disease?

We look at our world as a solid, 3 dimensional construct, but this could not be further from the truth if you are any type of energetic consciousness, positive or negatively oriented.

If you were standing in line at a store 15 feet from someone you have never met, have no connection to, and are actively not making a connection to, something attached to you would have no idea whatsoever that person even exists. It would never “see” them to begin with. Continue reading