Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Negative Thinking

Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one you feed it more will rule over the other. ― Oscar Bimpong

Ways To Clear Your Mind Of Negative ThinkingAlex GendronThe mind plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the body. This serves as the control center that manages thoughts and emotions. It should be properly handled and taken cared of at all times to ensure its optimum performance.

People may go through several life-changing experiences that can greatly affect the well-being of the person. This may lead to either positive or negative thought. Positive vibes lead to a better and enhanced personality. However, negative thoughts may lead to stress and even depression. Continue reading

When Negative Thoughts Keep You Down

“We think we are our thinking, and we even take that thinking as utterly ‘true,’ which removes us at least two steps from reality itself.” ~ Richard Rohr

negative thinkingCylon George – Do you frequently obsess over worst-case scenarios? Do you struggle to think well of yourself or others? Are you frequently stressed, anxious, or depressed? You may be suffering from an addiction to your negative thoughts.

We all fall into patterns of negative thinking from time to time, often triggered by difficult circumstances or everyday stress. But when that pattern occurs over a long period of time, it can degrade our health in body, mind, and spirit.

When bad things happen to us, we can feel incredibly helpless. Sometimes the way we fight back against this feeling is by making negative thinking a default way of life. It satisfies our deep need for a sense of control over our lives. It keeps us from being disappointed when disaster visits. Continue reading