Break Free from Negative Thoughts

Breaking Free from Negative Thoughts: 5 Strategies for a Positive MindsetNikki Harper – Negative thoughts can be overwhelming and can have a significant impact on our lives. They can interfere with our ability to enjoy life, affect our relationships with others, and even lead to physical health problems.

Although integrating your shadow self (and with it any negative personal traits) is important for spiritual development, being trapped in a cyle of negative thoughts helps nobody. Here’s how to recognise if you have a problem – and how to break free if you do. Continue reading

Super Easy Exercises to Create a Positive Life

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” — Dalai Lama

negativeStepping Up to the Plate

Cherie Roe Dirksen – You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘what you think you create’ but how can you seriously filter every bad thought? There is a way, I promise. But before we delve into the amazing powers each of us possess, we have to get one thing straight…

There’s only one person responsible for what you think and do and that’s YOU.

If the thought of being the creator of your reality scares the willies out of you, then read on…

The Freedom to Be Happy

Can you remember learning how to swim or ride a bike? Can you see how determined you were to succeed because you knew the pay-off was going to be huge?

You may have started off with water-wings, splashing about aimlessly— gulping in water — or peddling your heart out whilst trying to maintain your balance even with the training wheels on! But that child never gave up. Continue reading