Duality And The Triune Force

Duality And The Triune ForceTom Kenyon – You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness. Continue reading

DNA Update: DNA Recoding now Scientifically Proven

jelaila9 | August 13 2012

It’s interesting how information that the 9D Nibiruans gave me over a decade ago is now being scientifically verified.

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies:

Back then the bulk of my work was writing down the process for realigning, reconnecting and reactivating (recoding) the10 dormant DNA strands. Their intention was to to give people a do-it-yourself process by which they can achieve 12 strand DNA, thus returning, or ascending to their former multidimensional state. The process involved emotional clearing in a way that uses the multidimensional abilities of the thymus. As I wrote in the article, DNA Recoding Overview, ‘When we are multidimensional, our physic abilities are reawakened and we have developed a second neural network at the etheric level. This second neural network is what allows us to live in multiple dimensions at once. We can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions.’

But that is not all that DNA Recoding does, the emotional clearing work that is done in a way that activates the thymus, requires us to use higher dimensional beliefs in order to accomplish it. These new beliefs are that of a creator god who understands that he/she creates all in his/her reality. We stop thinking and acting as a 3D victimized human. As we continue to apply these new beliefs they become new behavior patterns and our lives become more balanced. We see and understand why situations occur and resolve problems more quickly. I could go on and on about the benefits of living as a multidimensional human in a 3D world, but space does not permit so I’ll move on.

DNA and Language

As the scientific article explains, the scientists discovered that our genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. …They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

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