How to Access your Magic Inner Genie

“One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream bring about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.” – Abraham Hicks

EnergyJafree Ozwald – Everyone has access to a magical power inside them that goes beyond all the limitations of what our rational society knows to be true. We each are able to tap into a world of infinite potentiality, where anything is possible and our dreams really do come true.

Most nay-sayers out there would scoff at this perspective, yet little do they know that they too are creating their own reality by the negativism they hold. Once they loosen their grip just a bit on the tightly wound point of view they are clenching, they will see that there is room in this amazing Universe for all sorts wild things. Continue reading

The Secret to Discovering Higher Consciousness

“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by.” – Tree of Life

consciousnessJafree Ozwald – Whenever something… anything happens to you in life, open your heart to it. Even if you are afraid of it and you have judged it as “wrong”, still go into it fully with a welcome open accepting heart. Otherwise the mind will get in the way and contaminate the lesson your soul is learning.

Your mind is fabulous at judging things, and all judgment ends up creating heavy, defensive, fear-based energy in your body. Your heart is a master at acceptance. It is designed to accept everything and everyone as they are. It can melt through any fearful moment and help you understand that everything that happens to you is for your soul’s evolution towards enlightenment.

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Maintain Balance

maintain balanceThe teaching of balance infiltrates all creation.  This becomes obvious when mindfully observing the activities of creation and creatures as they instinctually follow the rhythm of their existence.

The most distinguishing feature of the human being is consciousness, which gives rise to self-awareness and a self-directing will.  As spiritual, mental and physical beings, we reveal the three-fold nature of God residing in perfect repose within the soul.

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Be Fully Who You Are

Mikaya Heart – If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I’ve learned so far in life, these are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

We are not physical beings trying to be spiritual, we are already magnificent beings of spirit, choosing to play around with the experience of being in physical form. Experience life fully. Embrace all of life. Allow it to flow through you and manifest however it needs, no matter how unconventional that may appear. Continue reading

The Secret to Finding Peace with Negativity

The Secret to Finding Peace with NegativityJafree Ozwald – A miraculous transformation occurs when you realize that every experience is a doorway to the Divine. When you truly accept that all the traumas and dramas in your past are all opportunities to experience higher levels of compassion, you move light years ahead in consciousness.

Yes, your soul has signed up to evolve in consciousness and springboard you into enlightenment. Every traumatic experience you’ve had in your life, your soul has purposely placed it there to open your heart and broaden your awareness. Continue reading