The Eighth Covenant

8th covenantDoreen Agostino – Those of you who have studied piano know that the keyboard is divided into sets of eight notes called “octaves”. The first and last note of each octave is the same, simply resonating at a different frequency.

Similarly, there are Seven Covenants recorded in the Bible, analogous to the seven separate notes of the musical octave. The Eighth Covenant resonates with the First Covenant — the Covenant of Adam and the Creation.

When we speak of a “New Earth” — take it literally. It is a New Earth that resonates with the Earth of the First Covenant. We are in the Creation Cycle right now.

You will begin to see and experience some strange things and may even think that you are hallucinating, but this is not so. You are simply beginning to perceive things differently, to function at a different frequency—and to see things that you otherwise wouldn’t be aware of. Continue reading

Creating a New Earth

At this most auspicious time of the vernal equinox, Easter and resurrection of the Christed aspect of your Divine Presence that has been waiting to be actualized for eons, you are standing on the brink of the most glorious time of your lives.  For this is the beginning of a magnificent cycle, a true new beginning that will bring forth all you have been dreaming of. In the coming days there will be great waves of love and light from the Great Central Sun that will usher in your new Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom.  This is the time you have been waiting for.  ~ The Councils of Shamballa

new earthThis time has been seeded within the very cellular structure of your body, deep in your bones and remembered in your soul as the time you have embodied on Earth to be part of the Great Awakening and liberation of humanity that has been enslaved in limitation.  Many of you will feel a resonance deep with your being as you read these words.

You may ask, “What is my part in this great unfolding?”  What is the role I have come to play in actualizing this New Earth? Many of you already know the answer. Continue reading

Creation Of The New Earth

Recent Energy

new earthDiane Canfield – There has been a lot of energy changes/upgrades for all these last few weeks, I have been so busy with clients and writing my daily energy reports, and dealing with the upgrades, I have barely had time to keep up with all of them. Yet it is very important for everyone to be aware and have their consciousness uplifted by the energy that is changing and initiating light body activations in the Ascension process.

About 5 times or more  I have felt shifts coming in where I would feel a shift come through my body, this then manifests into a dizzy spell and I feel like I am going to fall off my chair. This lasts about 15 minutes and then is gone. We have also been experiencing bouts of nausea, fatigue, sleep issues, and vivid dreams are back again. Continue reading

Create A New Year to Celebrate! (Part 2)

Every year your capacity to walk the Earth as a Living Master expands, as does your inner most desire to live in peace, love, kindness and freedom ~ and continues to expand with each New Moon and Full Moon. When you use this energy expansion to increase your mastery, your ascension path unfolds with ease and grace. As you  recognize and realize each new heartfelt desire, you are filled with increasing gratitude and joy for your wonderful life. This is the natural process of evolution on planet Earth. Is this the way you are living your life?  – Masters of Ascension Serapis Bey & Lady Solaris

new earth
Image: “Waking Up In A Dream” by

Sharon Rose – This year of 2018 is a year of mastery. Numerology defines this year as an 11 ~ the Master.  2018 is perfectly poised to prepare you to realize you living as a Master and entering the New Earth. At the beginning of each new year ~ and this year especially ~ there is a deeper desire that is birthed within your awareness from your Divine Presence, your True Self. Continue reading

The Background People Will Disappear At The Shift

new earthMichelle Walling, CHLC – Remember when Dolores Cannon said that there were “Background people”?

Our current bodies are not “real”, they are Avatars. In this life, they are an AI program we are using to carry out simulated creation. This occurred when the DNA was changed. Remember, you are the creator of your reality so you did this for a reason.

You created many of the background people to run out scenarios and plays in your reality, to show you what you needed to change or heal (distorted emotional energy).

The AI program is glitching out because we are constantly replacing the negative energy we created with the positive (love) through our conscious choices. Continue reading