AI Shut Down After It Creates Its Own Language

communicationJoseph P Farrell – Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, and government-privileged businessman Elon Musk, have both attained some notoriety for warning of the impending dangers of the development of artificial intelligence. In addition to these academic and corporate concerns, popular culture has warned of the dangers from time-to-time. Consider only “HAL” from Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001 Space Odyssey, or “Vicki” from Isaac Asimov’s I Robot, or even “the Machine” and its counterpart, “Samaritan” from the popular CBS television series Person of Interest.

If one reduces all these warnings to the lowest common denominator, the warning is that an artificial intelligence will begin to code for itself, and quickly overtake its human administrators, making it impossible to “turn off.” As readers here are also aware, I’ve suspected for a while that we might be seeing hints of such activity with the various flash crashes that have occurred on various equities and commodities markets. Indeed, Person of Interest even did an episode fictionalizing this precise scenario.

Well, Mr. B.H. shared this article which suggests that perhaps these scenarios and concerns are not so far-fetched; if anything, the article carries the implications that these concerns are no longer hypothetical, but now a very real world happening: Continue reading

Health Ranger launches world’s first New Media search engine:

GoodGopherMike Adams – The official beta launch announcement is here! The world’s first privacy-protecting search engine that bans corporate propaganda and government disinformation is now ready for webmasters to submit their sites for indexing. The name of the new search engine? Good Gopher! (

GoodGopher is the first and only search engine in the world that intentionally favors New Media / Independent Media / Alternative Media websites like, The Intercept (Glenn Greenwald), Tom Woods ( and TruthStreamMedia ( GoodGopher will also selectively spider selected international news sites that have a reputation for fearless reporting on world events, such as RT (Russia Today), Der Spiegel and Al Jazeera.

Fake news sources like MSNBC are banned from the engine, as are all other websites pushing corporate propaganda or government disinfo. Sorry, National Geographic. Peddle your Monsanto mockingbird propaganda somewhere else…

In essence, all the websites which have been blackballed by Google News for reporting the truth are favored and highlighted on

New Media webmasters are invited to submit their sites now to Site crawling and indexing begins immediately.

GoodGopher will be available as a public search engine after a few weeks of crawling. Watch or for an announcement of search availability.

GoodGopher is funded by ethical sponsors

Like all search engines, GoodGopher is funded by advertisements which appear alongside search results. But unlike other search engines, GoodGopher bans unethical corporate advertising.

In an era where 70% of the advertising revenue for mainstream media comes from drug companies — yes, Big Pharma “owns” mainstream media — GoodGopher bans all pharmaceutical ads. We refuse to take money from corporations that are poisoning our children with psychiatric drugs while using children as human guinea pigs in unethical medical experiments. Continue reading