This Year’s Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Addresses Russia, Cyber Threats & Brexit

Niamh Harris – Over 100 of the worlds elite, including Henry Kissinger, Mark Carney and Jared Kushner, will be attending the ultra secretive Bilderberg summit this week.

From Thursday to Sunday 130 Bankers, CEO’s and Prime ministers from 23 countries will meet under strict secrecy rules. The precise location of their venue in the Swiss town of Montreux has not been revealed.

On the agenda for discussion this year will be topics like Russia, China. Brexit, global warming, the future of capitalism and the future of Artificial Intelligence.

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New World Order Panicked and in Trouble [Video]

taylorGreg HunterMark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says everyone needs to brace for the battles ahead. Taylor says, “God stepped in in 2016 and put Donald Trump in office to hold off the New World Order agenda. Basically, they had an agenda with a timeline. It’s written right there down on the Georgia Guide Stones. They are trying to push the agenda because they know they are in trouble.

This wasn’t supposed to happen for a while yet. So, now, they are panicking. This is why you are seeing this stuff with the wall. This is why you are seeing all these elites starting to panic, and the panic is starting to set in because their global agenda has been denied by the Most High God as far as the timing is concerned. God is holding it off right now. So, they are trying to push their agenda ahead.” Continue reading

October 2018 Update (Time to be wise and gentle)

americaJames Gilliland – What is really going on from a higher perspective.

Today’s political environment is only an effect of what is happening on higher levels. It is like a soup – the fire is on and the dross is coming to the surface.

The pure chaos, lack of civility, power struggles, salacious lies and deceptions (pulling out all the stops with individual and collective mind control) are establishing the true character of the dark hearted politicians. If you knew the bigger picture – the end goal of the Illuminati, malevolent ETs and the workings of the Draconian Grid or Law we have been under  – what is unfolding is obvious.

Most are unaware of the big picture. The white hat, black hat scenario is a simplification of a multilevel event unfolding. To understand what is unfolding and who the players are one only has to go back to the goals of the controllers and who the controllers are. Continue reading

EU President Donald Tusk Worries About “New World Order” Being Dismantled [Video]

Sundance – European Union President Donald Tusk worries about the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama legacy being dismantled: “What worries me most is the fact that the rules-based international order is being challenged, quite surprisingly, not by the usual suspects, but by its main architect and guarantor: the US.”

Every parasite needs a host. As soon as the host refuses to remain co-dependent to its own demise, the abusers begin to panic. Continue reading