Our Evolution

lifeMaureen Moss – What a fascinating and raucous beginning to this New Life Cycle we’ve launched into. I felt prompted to wait and feel into this new energy, this new way, this evolution of life we have entered before writing this.

Once again we embark on a journey down unknown paths laden with phenomena and circumstances promising to pull at every string of our hearts and rub against all outstanding emotion. The blessing is that many are going forward radically changed.

Many of us are entering into this new cycle abiding more congruently and joyfully with the Spirit of our true natures (after an intense decade of the opposite,) knowing more clearly and feeling more deeply the unrestricted Truth about our existence, our value and worth…ready now to enter into whatsoever is put before us with heightened consciousness, creativity and Love.

Personally, always a work in progress, I am grateful for the liberating sense of being unified and grounded in my body in a way I have not experienced in this lifetime, though disentangled from the 3D matrix of duality, control and polarization. (There wasn’t a moment in the concluding months of 2016 that my intention and focus to ‘wrap it up’ wasn’t given my unbridled attention and deepest prayers.)

Disentangled from the 3D world with its brand of reality and unsustainable way of life and consciousness, I feel deeply and uniquely immersed into Life and with Life from a completely different sense of being…a sense of being we were told long ago was possible.

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In Conclusion

new worldMaureen Moss – As you now conclude this year and life cycle not of nine years… but of hundreds of thousands of years… whereby true identities were forged, capacities diminished, minds tampered with, DNA deactivated and abuse and manipulation (both self and global) reigned falsely (s)upreme, it is not a moment to soon to use these days to overturn any pieces left of a counterfeit reality… not first in the world…but first within yourself.

That, I am informed, is the greatest service you can offer to the stabilization of the New World… to the expansion of the Cosmos… and to yourself as a New Human.

Use these concluding days of this life cycle… before stepping onto the Holy ground of an entirely new creation cycle…to make peace with yourself and the life you have lived.

Embrace your innocence, for you always have been. Only viral conditioning had you deserting it.

Delete all expectations and edit your projections.

Hold a fierce vision of what you choose to create, to birth and to bring into year One of this new life cycle. Avoid thinking of year One as just another New Year…this is the year that begins the change of the (your) entire human experience, and the true adventure of your destiny.

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Owning Your Mastery Through Responsibility

“These are the times to . . . hold your spiritual confidence and speak your truth even though there may be those around you who disagree. That is evolution. That is empowerment. That is the Age of E. ” ~The Group

Waves of Advancement

SteveRotherGreetings from Home, dear ones. Today is a magical day. This is an incredible gathering of spirits in many more ways than you might think. Today we would like to take you on a little bit of a journey—a journey into the future of the new Earth—the incredible energy which all of you have been waiting for. You have anticipated it. All of you have known that this was coming and that you stepped clearly into the fifth dimension. You also know there is no returning into the third. Now, let me explain what is taking place from a larger perspective.

The Wave Of Advancement: 3 Steps Forward And 2 Steps Back

You understand, dear ones, that everything is a wave of energy that ebbs and tides, much like the waves of the water in your oceans. They move forward and they move backward. Unlikethe balancing energy of the water in your oceans, your advancement moves forward and moves a little back. Typically, all of humanity is accustomed to taking 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. It is when you take those 2 steps back that you doubt yourself; you question yourself, you wonder what you are doing wrong when in fact, it is just a wave. So first, we ask you to en-lighten up. Relax a bit. You are playing this game of pretending to be a human and quite honestly, you are doing very well. You need to know that but above all, know that where you are moving as a collective is huge. That is what we watch from this side of the veil. We cheer you on at times when you do not think you are being successful. We applaud you at times when you think you have failed and we pat you on the back many times when you take a step backwards. Continue reading

Our Enlightened New World


Jafree Ozwald – You may have already sensed that a New World is coming into each of our personal lives. If you stop and truly pay attention, you can feel it. As everything continues moving faster and faster we cannot help but wake up and realize our divine infinite potentiality. We are each being pulled, cajoled, and summoned to spiritually awaken by the people and global events around us. Our planets economic, political and environmental shifts are our “wake up calls”, forcing us to individually turn inwards, and create a more sensitive, loving, and conscious approach to life. This deeper sensitivity has in turn awakened a new kind of human being inside all of us. A being who is attuned to their natural divine state within, guided by their intuition, and enlightened by their own individual consciousness.

“The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses. All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself.” ~Osho

As the world continues to wake us up, the number of enlightened beings will naturally multiply and collectively in time create a New World. This global enlightenment will create a foundation of peace for this planet for the first time in many millennia. Our planet is about to give birth to billions of heart centered open minded people, and nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride!!
The experience of world peace is only created by a massive movement of individual inner peace. This global feeling of peace occurs when the “hundredth monkey” wakes up to recognize that inside is something exquisite, unlimited in potential, and truly Divine. The massive spiritual awakening is also based on a scientific evidence of a true energetic shift in our physical environment.

Astronomers have calculated that by Solstice on December 21st 2012, there will be a cosmic perfect alignment of our planet Earth, our Sun, and the very center of our Milky Way galaxy. This is the exact date that the ancient 26,000 year Mayan calendar predicted that the New World will “officially” begin. Many of you are already awake, and are here to simply assist the rest of the planet by being a guiding light for their spiritual awakening.

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Leaving The Shadow World

wayGreetings everyone, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service!

I am here with you for just a moment, to smile upon you. There is magic in the air today and I hope you can carry a little piece of it with you wherever you go, because it is enough for everybody. You have created something magical here—there is hope everywhere. Hope is one of the pieces you have all been dealing without for the last few months as you were trying to find your anchors again.

You passed through this incredible portal which took place between the 12th and 21st of December and emerged into this whole new world, but it was not easy for you. You had a resistance to it because humans do not like change (in case you have not figured that one out yet). There are all kinds of resistance to it so your nature is to just stay the same as you are – you think of that as normal; you call that successful. But that will change now, because you have gone through this portal and emerged into a new world. You had kind of a running start, since we really had to get you moving to make it through that portal the way you did.

We started working on it almost 11 years ago, building this big wave of energy which took you through the portal. However, it pushed you through with a natural motion of its own and it felt very comfortable for most of you. Just like waking up the next day, you simply opened your eyes and everything looks the same but it is not. It has changed pretty drastically for all of you, but we could not even tell you about this until after March 2013 for the very simple reason that you were all still wandering around trying to find your anchors in the new world. What if we tell you, “Guess what? You are all lost!” Well, dear ones, you would be even more lost than you were in the first place. We try not to even tell you those things because you take us too seriously sometimes. We know you like to give your power away, but that is okay. We are just going to play with you a little bit.

August 19th: An Opportunity to Ground in the New World

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