Red Shambhala: The Dark Side of Tibetan Buddhism [Audio]

Red Ice Radio  May 26 2014

Andrei Znamenski studied history and anthropology both in Russia and the United States. Formerly a resident scholar at the Library of Congress, then a foreign visiting professor at Hokkaido University, Japan, he has taught at The University of Memphis and Alabama State University. His fields of interest include religions of indigenous people of Siberia and North America, shamanism, and esotericism.


Znamenski is the author of Shamanism and Christianity (1999), Through Orthodox Eyes (2003), Shamanism in Siberia (2003), The Beauty of the Primitive: Shamanism and Western Imagination (2007), and the editor of the three-volume anthology Shamanism: Critical Concepts (2004).

We’ll discuss the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism and what lies behind this seemingly peaceful religion. Continue reading