How Systems Break: First They Slow Down

systems Charles Hugh Smith – The reality that cannot be spoken is that all the financial systems we believe are permanent are actually on borrowed time. One way we can judge this decline of resilience is to look at how long it takes systems to recover when they are stressed, and to what degree they bounce back to previous levels.

Another is to look at the extremes the system reaches without returning to “normal”: for example, interest rates, which rather than normalizing after seven years of suppression are being pushed to negative rates by increasingly desperate central bankers.

The key insight here is that financial systems and indeed economies function as natural systems. Central planning/central banker manipulation appears to control the system, but this control masks the reality that the system is increasingly fragile and prone to collapse, not just from internal dynamics but as a direct result of central bank manipulation.

The warning signs of fraying resilience are all around us.

Nature’s Warning Signal: Complex systems like ecological food webs, the brain, and the climate all give off a characteristic signal when disaster is around the corner.

“The signal, a phenomenon called ‘critical slowing down,’ is a lengthening of the time that a system takes to recover from small disturbances, such as a disease that reduces the minnow population, in the vicinity of a critical transition. It occurs because a system’s internal stabilizing forces—whatever they might be—become weaker near the point at which they suddenly propel the system toward a different state.”

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Zika, ZIRP, and NIRP Viruses

virus Gary Christenson – The Zika virus is the newest threat to humanity, especially pregnant women, so they say.  Big Pharma is working feverishly to create a vaccine.  Chances are the vaccine will be created, highly profitable, and Big Pharma will be “held harmless” for injuries to those who were vaccinated.

Add GM mosquitos, birth defects, Brazilian Olympics, big profits, and the story becomes a huge distraction.  John Rappoport has suggested there is more to the story.

There is money to be made on vaccines and GM mosquitos, and money to be lost if sales of pesticides and other chemicals are reduced.  It is clear in which direction the politics will lean.

The Zika virus should remind us of other strange activities in the financial world.

Speculation and Sarcasm Alert

What if we think of ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Program) as a financial virus, created and distributed by the central banks, that infects pools of savings?  Symptoms are: Continue reading

NIRP & The Coming Cash Ban Will Send Gold Supernova [Video]

SGT Report – V,  The Guerrilla Economist from, joins me to discuss the mysterious death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and the joy that morally bankrupt Liberals seem to find in it.

We also focus on the coming cash ban in Europe and the United States – and NEGATIVE interest rates [NIRP] designed to turn all of us into absolute serfs. V says, the Banksters have decided to screw the American public. But their evil plans to implement NIRP while banning cash will surely result in the price of gold (and silver) going supernova.

SF Source  Feb 2016

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Why NIRP (Negative Interest Rates) Will Fail Miserably

NIRPCharles Hugh Smith – The last hurrah of central banks is the negative interest rate policy–NIRP. The basic idea of NIRP is to punish savers so severely that households and businesses will be compelled to go blow whatever money they have on something–what the money is squandered on is of no importance to central banks.

All that matters is that people and enterprises are forced to spend whatever cash they have rather than “hoard” it, i.e. preserve and conserve their capital.

That this is certifiably insane is self-evident. If an economy depends on bringing future spending into the present by destroying savings, that economy is doomed regardless of NIRP, for eventually the cash runs out and spending declines anyway.

But NIRP will fail completely and totally due to another dynamic– one I addressed last month in Another Reason Why the Middle Class and the Velocity of Money Are in Terminal Decline. As correspondent Mike Fasano noted, negative interest rates force us to save even more, not less: Continue reading