9 Of The Most Common & Misguided Nutrition Myths Ever Told

When is soy okay for you? When it is fermentedTempeh, natto, and miso are fermented forms of soy which contain lowered levels of phytic acid and other anti-nutrients,” –

ManVegetableBrainWith the advent of the internet came a superabundance of available information regarding personal health. However, with this deluge of available information also came a hefty downfall – a massive amount of misguided and unreliable information.

Out of all fields of discussion, it’s safe to say that no other topics are more dangerous to have misinformation spread about than diet and nutrition. If a nutrition myth is continually repeated, it can soon become a culturally accepted truth, something that is dangerous to the general public. So for that matter, this article will address some of the most common and misguided nutrition ‘facts’ out there today.

9) Eggs Are Bad For Your Heart & Overall Health

Eggs have had a bad rap in recent years, mostly due to the cholesterol myth. But a few recent studies have since debunked this myth.

A study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that higher consumption of eggs (up to one egg per day) is not associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease or stroke.   In fact, eggs actually raise the ‘good’ cholesterol (called high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) which works to remove the ‘bad’ cholesterol.

The health benefits of eggs include:

  • 6 grams of high quality protein (full amino acid profile).
  • High in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants in your lens and retina that help prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • Good source of choline, a member of the vitamin B family.
  • One of the few food containing naturally occurring Vitamin D.
  • Contains sulfur – essential for healthy hair and nails.

*The key is to eat organic, pasture-raised eggs.

8) All Saturated Fats Are Bad For You

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