The Ultimate Goal Of The Surveillance State | Sept 11, 2012

Bill PerrySurveillance is coming at us from all angles. Chips, drones, TSA checkpoints, smart meters, back-doored electronic products, video cameras, spying home appliances; our phone calls and emails and keystrokes and product purchases are recorded.

The government and its allied corporations will know whatever they want to know about us.

What then?

What happens when all nations are blanketed from stem to stern with surveillance?

Smart meters give us one clue. Public utilities, acting on government orders, will be able to allot electricity in amounts and at times it wishes to. This is leading to an overarching plan for energy distribution to the entire population.

Claiming shortages and limited options, governments will essentially be redistributing wealth, in the form of energy, under a collectivist model.

National health insurance plans (such as Obamacare) offer another clue. Such plans have no logistical chance of operating unless every citizen is assigned a medical ID package, which is a de facto identity card. In the medical arena, this means cradle-to-grave tracking.

Surveillance inevitably leads to: placing every individual under systems of control. It isn’t just “we’re watching you” or “we’re stamping out dissent.” It’s “we’re directing your participation in life.”

As a security analyst in the private sector once told me, “When you can see what every employee is doing, when you have it all at your fingertips, you naturally move on to thinking about how you can control those patterns and flows of movement and activity. It’s irresistible. You look at your employees as pieces on a board. The only question is, what game do you want to play with them?”

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America, The Society Of Deception, Hard Evidence Of Mass Mind Control

Veterans Today | July 27 2012 | Thanks, Laura

Evidence on Why Americans Are So Gullible

Oswald, November 22, 1963, Watching The Kennedy Assassination From The Sidewalk

I will be featuring several videos.  I know that sitting through a video isn’t always considered worthwhile when more worthwhile pursuits are available.  Thus, I will try to catch your attention with a “shortie” and hope you can find time for the others.

What is at stake is your own ability to make rational judgements and simply making all of us more capable human beings.  There is a reason for being “more capable” as we have proven, beyond any dispute to have no sense whatsoever.

Americans race from one series of NWO (I refuse to define what this means) hand fed conspiracy “bull” to another with mindless pap in the middle peddled as either mainstream news or commentary.

A blanket statement I will make is simple, if you see it, it is a lie. Video one:

If you made it through the four minutes, you saw the mainstream media coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing. This is what remembering “news” that you have been conditioned to forget has done:

  • The US Department of Justice admits the Murrah Building was destroyed by explosives, not a truck bomb.
  • You watch while multiple unexploded devices are defused and removed from the building.
  • Later videos and the tale of Tim McVeigh and the Michigan Militia is a fairy tale made up by the FBI

Here is the rub; 20 million people saw this coverage, at the time or on websites. Yet, when Tim McVeigh was executed, 20 million people didn’t show up complaining that the execution was a farce.

If something this simple can be done to America, lies this public, and we have several similar that cover 9/11, including the arrests of the bombing suspects, and we don’t mean “hijackers,” themselves….

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ How Liberty Was Lost

Paul Craig Roberts | April 24 2012

Branch DavidiansWhen did things begin going wrong in America?

“From the beginning,” answer some. English colonists, themselves under the thumb of a king, exterminated American Indians and stole their lands, as did late 18th and 19th century Americans. Over the course of three centuries the native inhabitants of America were dispossessed, just as Israelis have been driving Palestinians off their lands since 1948.

Demonization always plays a role. The Indians were savages and the Palestinians are terrorists. Any country that can control the explanation can get away with evil.

I agree that there is a lot of evil in every country and civilization. In the struggle between good and evil, religion has at times been on the side of evil. However, the notion of moral progress cannot so easily be thrown out.

Consider, for example, slavery. In the 1800s, slavery still existed in countries that proclaimed equal rights. Even free women did not have equal rights. Today no Western country would openly tolerate the ownership of humans or the transfer of a woman’s property upon her marriage to her husband.

It is true that Western governments have ownership rights in the labor of their citizens through the income tax. This remains as a mitigated form of serfdom. So far, however, no government has claimed the right of ownership over the person himself.

Sometimes I hear from readers that my efforts are pointless, that elites are always dominant and that the only solution is to find one’s way into the small, connected clique of elites either through marriage or service to their interests.

This might sound like cynical advice, but it is not devoid of some truth. Indeed, it is the way Washington and New York work, and increasingly the way the entire country operates.

Washington serves powerful private interests, not the public interest. University faculties in their research increasingly serve private interests and decreasingly serve truth. In the US the media is no longer a voice and protection for the people. It is becoming increasingly impossible in America to get a good job without being connected to the system that serves the elites.

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