The 5 Best Home Remedies For Joint Inflammation

NaturalNews  May 14 2014

JointInflammationJoint inflammation can accompany a wide variety of health conditions, including arthritis, gout and lumbar spinal stenosis. (1) Inflammation is an immune response, but it can become a problem itself when it becomes continuous. With inflammation, you can experience redness, pain, swelling and other sensations that are uncomfortable and can greatly affect your quality of life. Our 5 best home remedies, including lifestyle changes, will help you combat inflammation and its uncomfortable symptoms without the use of drugs. You simply have to look for common items you probably already have in your home or make changes to your lifestyle.

1. Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

You may have heard of the amazing health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, and one is that they help fight inflammation in your body. You can obtain them through your diet with cold-water fish, which includes tuna, lake trout, sturgeon and salmon. You also need to have the right balance between omega-3 and omega-6 acids, with higher levels of omega-3. Many Americans consume too many omega-6 fatty acids without getting enough omega-3 fatty acids, contributing to inflammation. Try to eat more omega-3 acids over omega-6 acids, which you get through foods like meat, eggs and oils like sunflower, soybean, safflower, corn and cottonseed. These are included in many processed and fried foods, so they are easy to eat in an unhealthy American diet. (2) Continue reading

6 Foods And Herbs For Arthritis And Other Inflammatory Pain

NaturalSociety April 13 2013

We’ve been conditioned to accept pharmaceutical prescriptions from doctors or to buy over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals for pain relief. Some prescriptions can be addictive and all of them have unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous side effects. Many of these drugs are taken to treat some type of inflammatory-related pain, especially that stemming from arthritis. But there are plenty of foods and herbs that can be taken or used to relieve this arthritic, inflammatory-related pain.

Risks of Over-the-Counter Medications

In addition to the massive list of side-effects accompanying prescription drugs, OTC drugs have their issues as well. Ibuprofen, used in brands like Advil, is an NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Although short term minor side-effects are similar to most other OTC drugs, long-term side effects of NSAIDs cause over 100,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths annually, according to a study on NSAIDs causing severe intestinal damage.

Products like Tylenol contain acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is taboo for anyone with liver issues because it does cause liver damage. There have been several suicide attempts from ingesting massive amounts of Tylenol or generic acetaminophen products. Acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure death, according to a 2005 medpage report.

Aspirin has another set of issues including severe gastrointestinal inflammation and eventually strokes after long term use. So why not look into some less expensive food and herbal non-toxic solutions to ease the pain?

Helpful Herbs

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