Humanity Crossing The Karmic Plane

Wake Up World  March 10 2014

Increasingly, as I meet and work with evolving souls in the far flung corners of the world, people are regressing quickly into their past life karma. This is extremely positive, because it’s karma that has brought people back into incarnation and which needs to be processed in order to ascend into the New Paradigm. It’s karma that has created the chaotic and convoluted reality we’re now living in.

So exactly what is karma? How do we activate it and then dissolve out any karmic baggage? How do we find the calmer waters of the Higher Paradigm?

What is Karma?

I’d say the first thing is to establish exactly what karma is, because you’ll hear different interpretations. To me, there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ karma. We don’t intentionally manifest ‘good’ events necessarily because we do ‘good’ deeds. In the sense in which these statements are meant, there is no such thing as ‘good’ and ‘bad’. These are simply egoic judgements of the learning engagement our souls have subscribed to. To the soul, there is no ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ just the opportunity to learn, evolve and grow. This can be achieved in both dense circumstances and light.

To me, karma occurs where the soul becomes identified and therefore attached to the physicality of life. In other words, where the soul identifies with the illusion. This might happen for example where one is in fear during death or a particularly traumatic experience such as an accident.

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