The Secret To Igniting Your Ultimate Creative Capacity

“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds, it will get you nowhere. Live instead by intuition and inspiration, let your whole life become a revelation.” ~ Eileen Caddy

creativeJafree Ozwald – The mind is naturally creative. It is always generating thoughts in every moment of our lives. Whether these ideas are new revolutionary self realized thoughts, enlightening “million dollar” ideas, or mundane complaints about the neighbor next door, the creativity in your thinking is always available. The results you get all depends on whether the gateway to your ultimate creative capacity is fully fresh and open, or operating out of a past program. Most people believe that there are only a few gifted creative individuals born in this world, while the rest of us unlucky folks tend not to be so creatively endowed. The truth I’ve found is much more empowering and radical. I’ve discovered a technique that your average human being can access a limitless resource of creative juice that will fuel them forever, helping them to access the power they need to manifest anything their heart desires.

When you take a good long look at the mental nature of a human being, you’ll see that there is a natural tendency towards being creative. This creativity is often overlooked as we are continuously inventing every detail of our lives in each breathing moment. We are creation-a-holics! Every thought you’re thinking right now is creating something into your future. The question is are these thoughts in alignment with what your heart truly wants to manifest, or are you still selling yourself short and settling for what you don’t want? Either way, you are still creating your reality, inventing the dream you’re living in, in every single instant of your life.

Sometimes it happens that we get into patterns of thought and rut-like habits where we may forget about our unbounded potentiality as a soul and restrict our greatest creative capacity. We can feel blocked, stuck in an emotion, a past memory, or a sensation of not being able to get where we want to go. Something always happens along the winding path of life where we forget the all powerful being who we truly are. We get preoccupied with some thing, and the glass around the mind’s lamp gets fogged up with “more important” ideas than being vast, free and creative.

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Enlightened Beings – When you are grateful for this very moment of your life, you fall into having a natural trust for your future.  When you are trusting in the future of existence, great blessings will flow your way. The world around you may turn upside-down, yet with trust you’ll see that it is simply an entertaining play instead of a frightening nightmare.  With trust, you become so deeply rooted in existence that nothing can shake you.   This trust allows you to trustleave your house, adventure out into the world, and have new experiences with people that open your heart and fertilize your soul.   It is only with trust that you can have enriching intimate relationships that open your heart to a higher purpose, mission and love.  The more grateful you can be for what is here now, the easier trust effortlessly rises within you.   It is through trusting your future that you can see how devoted you are to your spiritual path and a master at practicing the art of letting go of control and going with the flow.

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”  ~Benjamin Disraeli

The best way to grow your “trust muscles” is to first consciously let go of all tension that is currently holding in your body.  Check your jaw, breath, shoulders, back and anus.  Notice where you are holding on the most, and ask these parts to relax, trust the process of life and let go.  They may communicate a specific memory or trauma that they are holding on to from the past.  Just let this go and relax deeper into your heart center.  Let any fears or walls to the energy of trust melt, and surrender to a deeper experience of letting go, more than you have in your entire life!  It is only when we go beyond our normal comfort zones that we make any real progress. Continue reading

Practice Letting Everything Be As It Is

Jafree Ozwald May 14 2014

“The essence of saintliness is total acceptance of the present moment, harmony with things as they happen.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

lightIn this world, there are many people searching for enlightenment, and then there are those who will never look for it throughout their entire life. There are also those who work hard for their money, desperately trying to get out of the rat race, and then there are those who are totally content with their humble income and the few possessions they have. There are beings who were born into this world this morning, breathing their first breath of air, and then there are those who just had their last breath of life 2 minutes ago. This world allows for such a rich diversity of people to exist here, allowing everyone to have their own unique experience of life. The Universe allows you to play whatever role you want to play. Life accepts and celebrates your existence exactly the way you are, and when you return this acceptance for life then everything changes in a miraculous way.

No matter what your habits, karmic pattern, or life long addiction, you always have the choice to be free. This freedom however is not a freedom from something or for something. True freedom is letting and allowing everything be exactly as it is. This means choosing to be at peace with yourself just the way you are, the world as it is right now, and your parents, sister, brother, neighbor and in-laws as they are right now. When you discover that total acceptance equals outrageous inner peace, you’ll never go back again. Yes, you will become addicted to “letting everything be as it is” and have even more inspiration the next day to be that divinely motivated environmentalist who cleans up our world.

“Absence of consciousness is ego. Whenever the ego is absent, God is present.” ~Osho

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Be Totally Wild And Absolutely Free

Jafree Ozwald | November 11 2012

“The wind cannot shake a mountain. Neither praise nor blame moves the wise man.” ~The Buddha, Dhammapada

BuddhaOne of the greatest experiences a human being can have is the feeling of unbounded freedom. Being totally wild and absolutely free means there is nothing holding you back. You are fully self expressed, letting it all hang out, exploring every dimension, direction and quality of your being. Good and bad judgments from your mind (and others) no longer have any weight or meaning. You’ve simply become a fully authentic individual who is total in your creative expression, and who has stopped allowing the mind to dictate your experience of life in any way.

You know you are completely free when you start feeling like a child again. Unpretentious, uninhibited, full of curiosity, spontaneous laughter, playfulness, innocence and are totally unguarded. You feel safe and protected in each moment, at the same time knowing this life is the greatest adventure of them all. The inner child in you is always having fun, is in a continuous exploration of life, learning from every little experience the world has to offer. Feeling the desire to dive down and explore the deepest darkest trench of your past, or climb the highest peak in consciousness you can fathom. It doesn’t matter, its the freedom that is important in this adventure. The freedom to choose the experience you want to have, and immerse yourself into it fully.

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The Secrets To Enlightening Your Life

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings

“The mind covers up reality without knowing it. To know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence, the capacity to look at the mind in silent and dispassionate awareness.” ~ Nisargadatta

consciousnessEvery experience that life brings you is a gift to enlighten the path in front of you. No matter how negative the experience is, you can always find some way to make a nourishing lemonade out of those sour lemons. You have the alchemist power within you to transform the worst demons you meet on the road into angels with wings sent from heaven. All you need is a simple shift in your perception. By knowing what is true and what is just a thought flying through your mind you can become free from potential future suffering.

The way you see the world determines everything. Who you are being is shaped by that which you see. Someone who can only sees the good in others can only feel good inside themselves. We automatically feel what we are focusing on. If you could train your mind to think only positive thoughts about your present predicament, then only positive feelings would be experienced by you. Your inner world is a reflection of what you place your attention upon.

The mind functions much like a movie projector, continuously playing movies, displaying images from the past and future onto the blank screen of consciousness. Naturally we are entertained by certain scenes that engage us emotionally, getting sucked into the drama and pulled into the story. This is where problems are created. When you start believing your inner movie is real.

If you become stressed, uptight or overwhelmed with life, start asking yourself this simple question, “What is reality and what is my imagination?” When you know the difference between these opposite worlds, and discover a world which was not born from your imagination, you’ll uncover the greatest secret to creating the happiest life you can imagine. Total freedom from your mind. This is the first step towards total transformation, the second step is finding peace with every movie that is still re-playing itself within you.

“God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine.” ~Osho

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