Your Peace And Your Calm… And Morning Prayer

Maureen Moss | June 2012

Dearest Hearts, As always I pray you are well.

This month I decided to spend the Summer Solstice in a very sacred space for me, by the ocean. Though I was in the midst of some new creations for both The World Puja Network and myself, my Soul was clearly asking me to leave it, for now. For months my Soul felt restless, and immediately needed my full attention.

It has become abundantly clear that now more than ever, knowing the ways in which to honor our souls in each moment is tantamount to the new lives that lie ahead of us, and to our authentic journey Home. Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important. I have come to know that our Soul holds the true gifts that will lead us Home, not what we do.

We are on a journey Home and neither our work nor another can take us there. This is our authentic and Divine journey, and one we promised we would take with our full heart and conscious commitment. Each time we listen to our Soul speak, and act upon it we come closer to this attainment.

What I have also come to know and to be blessed by is how amazing it truly feels to love my Soul and embrace it each day as it embraces me. Our Soul is a part of us that few have ever really loved, and fewer still have come to know. As such it has caused many possibilities and opportunities to lay lifeless, when they were meant to be brought to Life through us, which has impeded much of our own evolution and liberation. Now we are tasked to reverse this as this cycle of time closes in less than six months.

All that is good and great awaits each one of us, if we are willing to listen to the still small voice that lovingly calls to us. The great Divine would have it no other way.

It was not a coincidence that just prior to leaving, I read a passage by an Anonymous Author. It said:

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