Wholeness in the New Reality

realityOwen K Waters – Wholeness is integrity without the “shoulds.”

Integrity, according to the dictionary, can mean wholeness, but it can also be interpreted in a way that carries a lot of baggage.

This add-on baggage includes self-defeating concepts like “should,” “try to,” and “high” standards. All of these concepts are facets of Old Reality consciousness.

The frequency of consciousness in the New Reality is heart-centered. Unconditional love comes naturally; you need only let it flow through your heart and allow that energy to be who you are.

When you shift to the higher consciousness of the New Reality, the universe reorganizes itself around you to reflect that higher reality. Externally-imposed rules are replaced by internal, love-based choices. Continue reading

Abundance in the New Reality

abundanceOwen K Waters – Along with the widespread growth in free enterprise in the latter half of the twentieth century, came the dawning realization that the primary key to abundance is to think first of what you can give to, rather than what you can get from, your work activity.

People who have now adapted to the consciousness of the New Reality understand that abundance is a flow brought about by giving as well as receiving. When you give, the universe guarantees that you will receive. If you only expect and never give, you are blocking the natural flow of energy through your life. When you give to others, they respond in kind, as does the universe.

The universe is reflective by design. The energy of every action that you take is reflected back to you in perfect balance. This means that if you are helpful to others, then you find yourself living in a helpful universe. A grasping, self-serving person, on the other hand, sees a universe filled, not with abundance, but with shortages and scarcity because nothing comes easily to them. They are blocking the flow and therefore experience constricted flow as a reaction. Continue reading

Your True Inner Nature

experienceOwen K Waters – Sooner or later every man and woman wakes up to the fact that they are divine beings. Despite the appearance that we are physical in nature and that reality is filtered through the perceptions of our physical brains, there is much more to each human being than their physical aspect.

Above your physical brain is your mind, which is a field of consciousness. Within that field of consciousness, you exist as an aspect of the divine source from which you came.

Long ago, you inserted yourself into the human experience. In those days, nothing was yet physical and being human meant being a specialized personality with the freewill to explore consciousness in greater detail than previously.

Later, physical experience was sought as it made the experience of being a rational, freewill-driven, unique personality all the more interesting. At that point, being physical meant living in a lighter density than today’s version of physical existence. Continue reading

What Is The New Awareness?

SpiritualDynamics  March 23 2014

LightWithinHeartIn the mid-1960s, the attention of young people took a sudden turn inwards. It was as if a light switch had turned on. They suddenly awoke and said,

“Oh, yes, I remember now. The answers are to be found within.”

The mid-1960s through the mid-1970s were times of inner searching. The outside world came to be seen as materially-obsessed and insincere. If there was meaning in life, it was to be found within.

The spiritual revolution in human consciousness had begun.

In the United States, the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation refers to people born between 1946 and 1962. Today, ‘boomers’ form one-third of the U.S. population, 14% of which are metaphysical believers and seekers. These leading-edge thinkers emphasize inner spirituality and self-expansiveness. Their sense of self is that of a real, inner self rather than an outwardly-focused, ego type of self.

The true, inner self is found in silence. The inner self is who you are. It is your soul. Your inner self is your personal link to the universe and to its source, the Absolute or Infinite Being. It is in this silence that you come to realize that everything in the universe is one, that separation is actually an illusion. In the light of this inner, soul connection, you also develop your sense of unconditional love for all of life and all of humanity.

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Spiritual Faith

Infinite Being | December 9 2012

With spiritual faith, your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

Faith may sound like a form of belief, but belief is actually a fixation upon a version of the truth. When a belief becomes rigid, seeking and growth are not possible. For example, the biggest challenge facing quantum physics today is the enormous shift that is required from previous beliefs about the nature of reality. Researchers have to shift to a new view where time, space and physicality are liberated from the constraints which people previously believed that they had.

If you believe that you exist in a fixed location in space and that time must always pass you by like clockwork, think again. Subatomic particles do not share your beliefs about time and space. They take a much more liberated view. Subatomic particles pop in and out of manifestation millions of times per second, just when and where they feel like it. Their disregard for time is perplexing, to say the least, as they respond immediately to events in their future and even timetravel backwards to alter their past when it suits them.

Now, we can all identify with the idea of creating a different future based on decisions that we make now, but creating a different past? Well, that’s what subatomic particles do, right there in the lab. As a result, in the mathematics of quantum physics today, one of the necessary tools is negative time – the ability of a particle to send a message into its past in order to change its own history.

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