Can You Cause Someone Pain?

painJennifer Hoffman – I often hear from my readers, clients, and students that they do not want to cause someone else pain by making changes in their life. It’s a big concern and a valid one but the truth is that you cannot cause someone pain, no matter what you do, for two reasons:  their energetic sovereignty, and their equal ownership in the karma, soul cycles, and soul group dynamics between you. Now this topic is a little controversial and is not easy to rationalize because the universe is not kind, it is just, and there is no good or bad, everything is an exchange of energy.

Everyone you have any kind of interaction with is part of your soul group and has some kind of karma with you. That’s important to remember because if you’re afraid of causing someone else pain, there is some old karma or unfinished energetic business between you that you’re bringing forward. In some way, you feel responsible for their feelings and how they will respond to what you do. This is one way you stay in karmic cycles and continue them, rather than allowing them to close. Continue reading

Metaphysical Meanings Of Specific Physical Pains

painAlexa Erickson – Physical ailments hinder an alarming amount of people, and often times we turn to Western medicine to understand and deal with aches and pains. But by doing so, we have lost touch with the ancient wisdom that everything on the physical plane is simply a manifestation of something on the metaphysical plane.

When we hurt, in one way or another, it is not as a simple as taking a pill to resolve. It’s deeper than that. Our physical body is sent a message from our metaphysical being where our energy and spirituality reside. We often misinterpret these messages from higher planes, and, rather than digging deeper for the truth, we outsource, as is the way of modern medicine.

The Western approach treats pain through drugs and surgery—we numb, we divert pain receptors in the body, or we cut off an organ. This style may be valuable under acute circumstances, but more often than not, the pain must become unbearable in order for us to acknowledge the disharmony occurring.

“Spirit is beyond definition, but is a phenomenon that can be studied like any other,” explains  Dr L. H. Heyse-Moore, DM, FRCP, Medical Director, St Joseph’s Hospice.

Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist that specializes in trauma-induced depression, wrote in Psychology Today, “Studies have shown that chronic pain might not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotional issues.”

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Honor the Pain, Surrender Its Source

truthJennifer Hoffman – Every intention and action creates an outcome of either pain or freedom. Pain is the result of an energetic misalignment between intention and alignment, and between reality and truth. Freedom occurs when energies are aligned and congruent, all resonating at the same energetic frequency and flowing within the same intention and that is singularly focused on a particular outcome. Outcomes that cause pain happen when the truth of a situation is replaced with hope and the actual reality is confused with potential. When you honor your pain and acknowledge how it was created you can surrender its source, and you re-align with your truth and the potentials that are a true possibility and not a wish. You can heal pain only if you surrender its source.

Pain is a difficult aspect of human beingness, an emotional energy that is unpleasant and complex, and yet it is simply a clear and powerful indicator of energetic misalignment between the ego/self, the energetic body, and the soul. It is created because the ego has made a commitment, taken an action, set an intention, or tried to move energy in a way that the energetic body cannot honor and is out of integrity with the soul mission of healing, transformation, awareness, and congruence.

The desire to be free from pain generally begins with the pain itself when it should be addressed at its source.  What desire exists within the ego for validation, approval, and control that cannot be fulfilled through the soul’s mission for healing and the existing energetic frequency? The source of the pain is a truth that the ego cannot believe or acknowledge. The healing of the pain comes when that truth is no longer resisted and a new truth is created. Failure does not happen when a truth cannot be transformed – failure does not exist in the universe. But pain will continue until surrender replaces action in a situation that is out of alignment with healing.

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Healing Pain From Within

healingMary O’Malley – A friend of mine is having a lot of back pain and she hasn’t been out of her house in days. She is hyperalert around her pain and is afraid to do anything. The pain has so affected her life that she told me if it doesn’t get better soon, she feels like “checking out.” I invited her to consider the possibility of opening to the healing of being with her pain rather than always resisting it.

I explained that so often we amplify our physical pain through our resistance to it, not realizing that we create more pain by trying to run away from it. Pain is like coming across a bear in the woods. When you run away from it, the bear runs after you. But when you turn and face it, chances are the bear will go away. It is the same with your pain. When you learn how to turn toward it, it allows the possibility of calming it down.

I then shared with my friend a radical approach to healing pain that Stephen Levine, author and spiritual teacher, taught me. When pain arises and you start resisting it, take a moment and bring your attention to your pain. To focus your attention, it is helpful to describe it to yourself: Is it sharp? Is it throbbing? Does it have definite boundaries or does it move around?

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Lessons to learn and traps to avoid

Pavithra – This month’s topic is something that I have been wanting to write for a long time. I would like to invite you to consider where you are in your journey in relation to this discussion.

Pain as a way to awaken

lessonsNormally for most of us, the process of awakening comes in with pain and hardships that were placed in our path to show us that the choices we have made and where we are going and what we are doing is not supporting to us and our overall growth as a spirit being. Continue reading