Integration of higher frequencies accelerates and expands


Marilyn Raffaele for the Arcturians – Greetings dear ones.  We observe that many of you are now able to rest in energies of peace and calm in spite of outer appearances. This is because your integration of higher frequencies more in alignment with your true nature are starting to manifest outwardly in every day living.

All is proceeding according to plan.  You are and will continue to witness universal discord for a while longer because those wishing the world to remain asleep in order that  their financial and power coffers remain filled, are resisting through fear tactics that have worked in the past.

Stay true to your highest awareness at all times, for by doing this you stop contributing more energy to the illusory “powers” of the third dimensional belief system.  Higher dimensional  Light is increasing every day even though it may not seem that way.  Many are now awakening or at least beginning to question the status quo.  All is proceeding according to plan.

Be not afraid. Be not afraid. Continue reading