YEM: Follow the Wave in Your Spine

waveParvati Devi – It would have been easy to feel sorry for myself when I became paralyzed from the waist down due to a spontaneous spinal cord injury. Yet, as I share in my Positive Possibilities article Consequence: The Great Teacher, I know that there is nothing in life that is “against me”. All that happens supports my spiritual growth in some way.

Instead of undergoing the medically recommended spinal surgery that would give me a 50% chance of walking again, I chose instead to dive into my inner healing cave and trust what I knew about yoga, energy medicine and nature co-creation (working in partnership with nature devas and the Cosmic Intelligence).

I saw my body as a non-fixed conglomerate of energy, floating molecules held together by my perceptions and karmas. The injured area was a mass of solid energy that seemed fixed due to my beliefs. I did not try to change it or fix it. I became a present witness, with no agenda.

As I stayed in the notion of possibility, I got out of the way of nature’s innate healing power. If I were meant to live in a wheelchair, then so be it. If I were meant to walk again, eventually, I would. Continue reading