The Power-Action Formula

“Our fear of misusing our power can block us from acknowledging that we can be powerful because we think that by using our power we hurt others. It isn’t possible for us to hurt anyone because everyone is sovereign in their own life and everyone has equal access to power. What they, and we, do with their power is a choice and everyone chooses differently.” J Hoffman

jenniferhoffmanAs I was driving my car last week I had a flashback to my first car, which did not have power steering. I don’t think you can buy a car without power steering today, but a few decades ago it was a fairly expensive option that was available on luxury car models. Without power steering you really had to turn the wheel, with both hands, to negotiate tight turns. But moving to power steering means you have to remember the power is there and not work so hard to steer or you will oversteer the car and create more problems. Power, by itself, is not very useful and we need to activate our power action formula to feel and be powerful in a manageable, effective, heart-ful way.

I remember the first time I drove a car with power steering, and how I would always oversteer because I was so used to having to turn the wheel so hard. This makes me think of the path we have been on and how much it has changed. We now have access to more of our power but we’re still not used to it, so we oversteer, work too hard, think too much, and create more work for ourselves. We’re powered up but not quite used to our power and yet, throughout this journey, it has been the only consistent thing we had available to us, even if we thought it was an expensive, limited and exclusive option. But by itself, power isn’t effective by itself, we need to activate our power action formula, which is the combination of power, courage, intention, and action. Continue reading

Off-Loading Karma And Cellular Memory

Laura Bruno’s Blog | November 28 2012

Just a quick heads up: today’s eclipse and the next three days offer an exceptional window of opportunity to off-load a bunch of old junk — especially past life junk. I’ve noticed this in myself and during some sessions this week: the veils between lifetimes are particularly thin right now. If you’re experiencing major emotional or physical symptoms that have you stopped in your tracks, use that pause to inquire, “Is this even related to my current lifetime?!” Notice your body’s response. If you feel an immediate shift of the energy, a lightening of your load, or prickles of relief and hope, I encourage you to send that baggage off with the Universal Bellhop.

You are a VIP in your own life … this life … and you have arrived! Kick off your shoes, fluff up your pillow, open the curtains, and smile at your good fortune. If the Universal Bellhop loses your luggage, no worries there. You didn’t want that old junk anyway, did you? Go ahead, open the closet in your penthouse suite. Everything there’s a perfect fit for your new, healthy body. Take a deep breath and let your heart feel glad. Savor your new surroundings while you contemplate what “home” means. You’re not quite there yet, but you’ve moved out of the old digs. No need to drag the past — even the lengthy, distant past — around with you anymore.

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