Oracle Report ~ Friday, June 12, 2015

Photo by KAHLIL

Balsamic Moon Moon in Aries/Taurus (10:16 am ET/2:16 pm UT): release, dream, mysticism

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: swim with the currents of the sea change

Catalysts for Change: premature action, racism, missed details, lagging, dragging down, closed to other options or opportunities, increased use of substances to cope, escapism, confusion, distorting things, emotionally walled-off for protection, enforced silence, stereo-typical behavior, denial

True Alignments: synchronicities and patterns, freedom from restrictions of the past, learning how to fix or integrate something, new options, new sense of being, authenticity, discovery, observation, fun social interaction, seeing the bigger picture, seeing things line up, lifting something that has held something else down

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, the Ruler of the Seas, Neptune, stations retrograde, opening a period of time where we transcend obstacles, barriers, and difficulties. These are old imprints (mindsets, beliefs, limitations, perceptions, dysfunctions) that are lingering from the “old world.” Neptune stations retrograde at 10 Pisces and the Sabian symbol of “an aviator in the clouds.” The dynamic to rise above the crumbling past is in effect through November 18, 2015. Continue reading

Make Your Leap of Faith Into New Paradigms

pastJennifer Hoffman – Do you feel, at this time, that you are reviewing old lessons, and seeing the past repeating in your life? Are these part of lessons you thought you finished and they are appearing again? Do you feel as though you are moving backwards instead of forwards? This is an important time for humanity, as you move through the close of one paradigm and the opening of another. The shift into new energies has been gradual until now, and each experience you see from the past is an opportunity to make it ‘more than’ what you have had before. You do not have to change everything, just add one more level of energy that makes it ‘more than’ the past, which brings you into a new paradigm and that is your leap of faith.

Every energetic frequency can be shifted at this time, and the energy of every experience is being reviewed, calibrated, and there is a choice for transformation and ascension, or to repeat the karmic cycle. If it feels tedious it is because you are bringing all of your experiences forward into a single moment, as you brought forward all of your karma into this lifetime, knowing that this would be the opportunity to transform those experiences. You are facing the final step into new ways of being. This is your ‘leap of faith’, the leaving behind of what you have known, which is based on the past and karma, and ascending into creation. The past is making its final appearance so you can make choices to be in that energy or to have an experience that is a leap of faith to move from the known experience of the past into the unknown potential of the present. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, April 6, 2015

Full Moon in Scorpio: illumination, revelation

Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best Interests), Matangi (Goddess Who Purges What is Not in Our Highest and Best Interests), Dhumavati (Goddess Who Sorts)

Skill: recognize patterns

Positive Imprints: FINDING THINGS, rediscovery, balance, seeing how to not lose yourself, expanding sense of identity, opening up space, cooperation, seeing beyond illusion, reflection, perseverance, inter-relating, divine intervention

Catalysts for Change: feeling like giving up on something, anger, shocks, fiery outbursts, obsession with loss, refusing to relate, issues with aging, over-emphasis on appearance, isolation, uncompromising

Aya Sofia, Istanbul on the full moon. Look carefully for a bird that flew in and perched – photo by Stefanie

Where to begin?

Let’s start with recapping the Full Moon/Eclipse. The Sabian symbol for the degree of Saturday’s Full Moon (15 Libra) is “circular paths.” The energy brings back the past, repeating patterns of the past, and feelings about the past. This is the energetic that is still in effect, since we are still in the Full Moon phase.

But, in a monumental way, the past is being swept away. The “circular paths” of the past are being eclipsed – cut off, taken away. Two reasons for this are the Full Moon’s eclipse and the fact that this entire lunar month is a close-out of a grand cycle of time (discussed in the audio overview that is posted). Continue reading

Shift Frequency (Into Alignment With Now)

Life unfolds like a flower, opening seeds, stems, buds – expanding life petals into the unknown, trusting all will be ok. It discovers “trust” must be right now or it doesn’t work.

It doesn’t stress which timeline It’s on, or wonder if It “made” it. Doesn’t ponder “Is my heart wise enough to win through? Can I share Spirit with my Self?

Life just knows it can.

Experience today in now time

EarthToday’s The Day! Isn’t it always The Day? – a moment   calibrated to now? Isn’t “today” being created from future and past right “now”? Isn’t it composed of all these thoughts scampering and skipping up, down, over, around the time scale?

Yes. That and more. It becomes more when awareness shifts into focus. Through conscious thought selection the center of awareness shifts. Thought becomes heart focused in “now” time and finds harmony in its Self.

Now time is time to focus on what we want manifest.

So, what about the eclipse?

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The Past is Your Light Map

Enlightening Life | May 7 2012

EnergyArchangel Uriel ~ The love and the light that is required on your ascension journey is reflected in your reality in each moment. You cannot love in the past for that moment is gone. You cannot love in the future because its details have not yet been created and every aspect of the future depends on what you do in each present moment. If you want the future to be joyful, fulfilling, loving, and abundant you must create that energy in this moment. Do not be distracted by what the moment appears to be, its outcome is calling you to send light, to shift its energy by allowing your desires to be your focus, acknowledging what you have created and raising its frequency by sending love and light to its darkest aspects.

Each thing you are aware of and judge is part of the past, and although it appears to be real, present, and permanent, it is only an echo of your most recent manifestation. When you can perceive a result you are looking at the past. When you know an outcome, you are experiencing the result of a manifestation that has already been created. It is through your focus on creation and manifestation in the present moment, being mindful of the past as a map which indicates where you need to focus your light, you heal the past from the present moment and create the future at a higher vibration. If you perceive your reality to lack love, peace, joy and abundance you are aware of where your love and light are needed to create a different outcome in the next present moment. Rather than judge an outcome as good or bad, be aware of where you can send more light, be more empowered, and connect with your inner guidance to create a different outcome.

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